The Pink Chiquitas - Released 37 Years 7 Months Ago

Cast & Crew - Age Breakdown

Age At Time Of Release

Age Now

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile 30 67

Profile 36 74

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Eartha Kitt (Deceased)
60 81

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile 26 64

Karen Hazzard (Deceased)
49 77

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A