Don erre que erre (1970)

Don erre que erre Poster
1h 32min | Comedy | Sep 21, 1970 | Released

Don Rodrigo goes to the bank and when he is going to take his money there is a robbery. Then the bank refuses to give him his money back (257 pesetas, a small amount of money) with the argument that the money was robbed to him, not to the bank. He will fight against the bank till the last consequences.

Director: José Luis Sáenz de Heredia



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Cast & Crew

Cast (8 Members)


José Sacristán

Valentín Serrano


Paco Martínez Soria

Don Rodrigo Quesada


Josele Román

Marisa Rodrigo


Tomás Blanco

Director General


Alfonso del Real

Director de Banco

Profile José Sacristán Valentín Serrano
Profile Paco Martínez Soria Don Rodrigo Quesada
Profile Josele Román Marisa Rodrigo
Profile Tomás Blanco Director General
Profile Alfonso del Real Director de Banco

Crew (2 Members)

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