IKIGAI, La sonrisa de Gardel (2018)

IKIGAI, La sonrisa de Gardel Poster
1h 12min | Documentary | Jul 19, 2018 | Released

Mirta Regina Satz worked as chief of treasury of AMIA (Mutual Association Israelita Argentina), interspersing her love for art, until July 18, 1994. In the middle of the working day, a bomb completely destroyed the building. Mirta survived the catastrophe and left the AMIA to reinvent herself at work with her own artistic work. She got engaged and decided a new course, uncertain, but true. There she began his construction work for another life.

Director: Ricardo Piterbarg

Producer: Ricardo Piterbarg



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Cast & Crew

Cast (4 Members)

Crew (6 Members)


Mirella Hoijman

Art Direction


María Vacas

Executive Producer


Juan Costamagna

Director of Photography


Telma Satz


Profile Mirella Hoijman Art Direction
Profile María Vacas Executive Producer
Profile Juan Costamagna Director of Photography
Profile Telma Satz Script

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