Rickles... On the Loose - Released 37 Years 10 Months Ago

Cast & Crew - Age Breakdown

Age At Time Of Release

Age Now

Jerry Lewis (Deceased)
60 91

Franco Columbu (Deceased)
45 78

Profile 42 80

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Joseph A. Scandore (Deceased)
66 72

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A