Kitakaze to Taiyo no Houtei (2017)

Kitakaze to Taiyo no Houtei Poster
1h 35min | Mar 17, 2017 | Released

In this era where it's said that 1 in 3 couples get divorced every 2 minutes and 19 seconds, most of them negotiate their divorce matters together but the remaining get third parties to facilitate the process. However, about 2.4% of the couples who have to resort to a trial if the mediation process does not proceed as planned. The title of the drama comes from the fable "Kitakaze to Taiyo" which describes the leads who are lawyers with exactly opposite characters helping couples face off in court.





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Cast & Crew

Cast (1 Members)


Masaki Okada

Kojiya Youta

Profile Masaki Okada Kojiya Youta


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Age At Time Of Release

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