Vijay (N. T. Rama Rao), Anand (Murali Mohan), and Naveen (Nandamuri Balakrishna) are three brothers. On their father Venu Gopal's (A. V. M. Rajan) birthday, their mother Lakshmi (Pushpalata) taught them a song titled Aanaati Hrudayala which they held dearly to their hearts. As fate may have it, one day, Venu Gopal witnessed a robbery by Parasuram (Prabhakar Reddy) and his henchmen. To protect their identity, Parasuram decided to kill Venu Gopal before he could go to the police. So one night, he and his men storm into their house and kill both their parents. Vijay & Anand witness the act and flee. They make their way to a passing train, where Anand is separated from Vijay.
Director: S D Lal
Producer: M Seethambaram
Writer(s): Saleem
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