Söz - Season 2 - Episodes (38)

Sep 18, 2017
The days of the team, who returned to civil life after being taken out of office, are passing by the desire for military service. Terrorist attacks are still ongoing, and the bitter news is stifling country laws. Yavuz, who has been taken in seclusion, takes action with a message from Colak's lawyer. When the team joins Yavuz, they find themselves in the midst of a great terrorist act. As a result of this action, a great surprise awaits them.

Sep 25, 2017
Terrorists organize a large barracks raid. The team, caught unprepared, will have a hard time. The solution that Bahar comes to stay in Karabayir will come from an unexpected one. While Çolak continues to regain his old strength, Sancar and his men act towards a Turkmen village. Yavuz and the team who came to protect the Turkmen expect another threat from Sancar.

Oct 2, 2017
There is an intense and dangerous conflict between the team, who is in charge of protecting the people in Turkmen village, and terrorists who want to take the village. While the conflict is ongoing, Ali Haydar is on the other side and Fatma is on the fight for survival. At the end of the long struggle the team is expecting a bad surprise. Colak, who cooperated with Agah, reached very dangerous weapons. In a simultaneous operation to capture these weapons, Ates and Feyzullah struggled to obtain an important intelligence in a foreign casino, while the team, led by Yavuz...

Oct 9, 2017
Yavuz is in a difficult situation due to the accident he struggles to survive. Sarah has understood the game played by Ates and Feyzullah. Feyzullah, who is in great danger has to sacrifice himself to save Su. While Sancar has a task for Eylem which could put her and the team in a risky situation as they face off. Doubs are increasing about who the Buyuk Bey is. Due to information the team receives from Ares, Byuyk Bey and Sabcar are cornered.

Oct 16, 2017
Büyük Bey, who emerged from terrorism, was planning to use his daughter Bahar to escape, Eylem is looking for a way to get rid of the bomb. Meanwhile, Fethi is also about to make a very difficult decision about the bomb on Eylem. However, both will face an unexpected situation. Colak wants to know who killed his son; Büyük Bey and Agah prepare a plan. The operations that the team will organize will make it very difficult for Çolak. Yavuz will have to make a difficult choice between catching Büyük Bey and saving Bahar's life.

Oct 23, 2017
The death of Büyük Bey brings a great repercussion to the victory and the country. Yavuz will admit to Bahar that he killed Büyük Bey, but he has to change his mind at the last minute. Now there is a big secret between Yavuz and Bahar. Ates and Fethi go across the border to capture the Büyük Bey's assistant, but they will find Eylem in their meeting. Agâh, while doing his plans to replace the Büyük Bey, confronts the team and Sancar in order to prove himself. The team, led by Yavuz, goes to the region with an attack intelligence that will be organized at a base ...

Oct 30, 2017
The treacherous attack on Korhan Pasha's convoy causes a great shock to the team. After this shock, the team vows to revenge and are on their way to capture Sancar. They will come one step closer to Agâh after the operation carried out under difficult conditions. Mucahid, who has to say goodbye to the team for a while, is thrown into an unexpected adventure with his new friend Battal. Eylem, who caused the explosion in France, makes plans to kill Sancar, but the scene she confronts when returns to the place will put her in a very dangerous situation. There is a great ...

Nov 6, 2017
Yavuz is forced to make a vital choice.

Nov 13, 2017
Yavuz, who goes to the restaurant to rescue the team, is terrified by the gunshot heard on the phone. Colak makes preparations to leave the restaurant thinking that he has reached his goal. But escape will not be so easy as he thinks. Bahar and Guler are trying to support Fatma, who suffered a great shock with the kidnapping of Ahmet Kartal; Eylem who comes to herself follows up to catch the terrorist woman. Colak,who's becoming increasingly uncontrolled, has begun to be a problem for Agah. He visits Colak for a final solution, but this time he is not in the hands of ...

Nov 20, 2017
The team, who was surprised at what happened, immediately followed the terrorist who kidnapped Ahmet Kartal. Hafiz goes behind them with all his anger but threatens to face him in a difficult situation. The new strategy that Agah and Colak have started to implement beyond the boundaries has come to a dangerous point. Çolak, while playing the role of harvesting himself in the region on the one hand, is trying to contradict the civilians against the Turkish army. The lawyer of Büyük Bey, who came to Karabayir for official proceedings, is approaching step by step towards...

Nov 27, 2017
For the team, who struggles at the expense of his peasants in the swamp, the danger has not yet passed. They will come to the brink of death when they have never expected. Bahar, who is left alone with the shooter, is looking for a way to get rid of him. Yavuz and the team not informed for this situation come face to face with the shooter. Yavuz is unaware that the shooter has kept a great secret about himself. Hafiz, who can not get any news, goes out on a long journey unaware of everybody, and with an intelligence from Erdem, Tim begins preparations for a big ...

Dec 4, 2017
Team's next goal, after succeeding in capturing Agah, is to bring him safely to Turkey. Beyond the border, a tough journey will begin for the team, one of the most dangerous regions in the Middle East. Ambassador and Colak are making plans to get Agah back. Gathering all his men in the region, Colak takes action to allow the team to cross the border. While some of the symptoms that appear in public refugees leave Bahar in the midst of a serious threat, Eylem has to pay a heavy price for its decisions. Colak and his men make a move for team not to cross the border.

Dec 11, 2017
On one hand, the team is trying to protect the Embassy, but on the other side they are unaware that a greater danger has arisen. Bad news brought by the Ambassador gives the signal to a serious threat for the country and the allies. The team, who comes along with the intelligence that Karabatak carries, finds himself in a place he has not anticipated. One of them has to sacrifice himself to complete the operation. Though they all put themselves forward without hesitation, only one will undertake this challenging task.

Dec 18, 2017
The team, falling into the trap of the terrorists, is looking for a way to get rid of it, while Yavuz finds Agah in a state he never expected. The danger for the team and Yavuz has not yet passed. After learning about hes mothers death, Yavuz becomes an angry and in tense mood. This tension will also be reflected in his relationship wit Bahar. Eylem, who had to say team's location to the foreign intelligence, brings Fethi and Ates to confrontation. A very important intelligence delivered to Erdem activates the Turkish Armed Forces.

Dec 25, 2017
Yavuz, who finds Hatice at the target of F16s, must make a difficult decision. On the other side, the team will take a great risk to neutralize suicide bombers approaching the border gate. All this happens while the engineer Yücel Ertürk is kidnapped by the Ambassador's men. The Ambassador, who aims to infiltrate the control of the planes, is trying to prepare a safe way for Çolak. Çolak is preparing to cross the border with hundreds of men he collects.

Jan 8, 2018
Yavuz learns that Agah is his father, and learns that this tension causes him to be dismissed before he has survived the odds. Yavuz is now away from his uniform, which he thought would take over when he is a martyr. Colak, who has suffered a great deterioration due to the air operation, is about to pass the long-range fugitive with the efforts of the Foreign Ambassador. When Yavuz and Bahar arrive in Istanbul to uncover the secrets of Agah, they will go on a vital fight to get rid of the Foreign Ambassador's follow-up. The Team will have to sacrifice a friend to ...

Jan 15, 2018
Yavuz makes the decision to protect the team. Yavuz, in result of the investigation conducted after the attack in Istanbul, will experience a greater tremor. Having Agah for father will affect not only his but also his friends' lives. The team not to be scattered depends on Yavuz's decision. While Hafiz giving up his life for the destruction of the missiles, the team continues to fight with all their strength. Çolak, who takes the liberty with the efforts of the Foreign Ambassador, succeeds in firing favors through the codes he seizes. One of the missiles has already ...

Jan 22, 2018
Agah has no intention of giving the codes without compensation. Yavuz, who killed Agah at the end of this bargain, will be dragged into a different path. When the team, who disposes the missile danger, learn that Yavuz is arrested for killing Agah, they will enter an unrelenting struggle under the leadership of Erdem in order not to leave behind his commanders. Yavuz is nostalgic in the prison where he is held. Çolak, who was hit by a blow by The team, made new plans with the Foreign Ambassador in order to provide financial resources and to prove his so-called ...

Jan 29, 2018
While Yavuz is confronted with the truth, his father, Hamit Karasu (Agah), lifted the obstacles for his return. As Yavuz returns to his sacred uniform, Hafiz is about to retreat into a treacherous trap by Sükran. The team takes action as soon as they are aware of Hafiz's situation. But the terrorists have already made the move and have turned around Hafiz. Çolak's interviews have caused a great upsurge in the world public opinion. Çolak thinks he's taking the wind behind him. On the engagement of Feyzullah and Su the team receive a sudden news, they takes action to ...

Feb 5, 2018
Yavuz and Agah, surrounded by Çolak's men, embark on a dangerous plan. Yavuz will gave up his life so that Agah's plan for years can not be wasted. The team, who blocked the live broadcast, captured Çolak's assistant. Çolak, who wants to get his assistant back, decides to trade his assistant with Yavuz despite all the ambassadors' objections. But this exchange will not be as easy as it sounds. Meanwhile, the team, who wants to cut off the financial resources of terrorism, takes intelligence from Eylem and tries to prevent a major drug shipment by an operation jointly ...

Feb 12, 2018
The team, faced with a great danger in the drug operation, expects a critical task at the end of the operation. As a result of Derman's plan, Director Kenan and Colonel Erdem, who are left with a bomb in their vehicles, make a risky plan to get out of this trap. This plan has a critical task for the team. The team split in two, one the side struggles to deliver a drug-filled truck to the right-of-command security forces, while on the other side fights for destroy the bomb in director Kenan's car. There is no longer anything Bahar can do for Safiye, who is dying at the...

Feb 19, 2018
The team, wrapped up by terrorists on four sides, is trapped in the corner. Agah's surprise plan changes all the balances while he is in the midst of a relentless melee. With Derman's orders his men immediately goes into action. Nazli, who identifies Derman's man, is abducted with a treacherous trap. The team moves immediately. Although Karabatak is injured, he pledges his life to his teeth and swears to find Nazli. A fierce race against time begins. If the team can not keep up with his time, Nazli's life will end. Meanwhile Yavuz learns from his father a shocking ...

Feb 26, 2018
On one side is Çaylak's, on the other side is Nazli's death. The team struggles to get out of these two challenging tasks successfully. The team, who had to risk exposing Eylem to save Nazli, on Erdem's command raids one of Derman's secret places. With Karabatak's heroism, Nazli is saved from Derman's men, but the situation is heavy. The team under the command of Hafez succeeds in reaching Çaylak and Kesanli, but the pulse of Çaylak is gradually falling with a lot of blood loss. Just need to return to Turkey. But it is not that easy. The treacherous ambush they meet ...

Mar 5, 2018
The team, who has survived Derman's trap, is waiting for a new mission. Çolak who understanding that the end of the road has come start to work for a flashy farewell. The Ambassador makes a bloody plan to kill Agah and Yavuz. But the team swears to disrupt this plan. The end of the road is now approaching for Çolak. While the team is proud to capture Colak, Derman takes on a new and greater danger. The relationship with Yavuz will be a different one for Bahar who learns her father's true identity and the big secret about his death. Nazli, whose psychology is disturbed...

Mar 12, 2018
Even if Fethi and Eylem try to cope with the mistakes they have caused, they will put the trap set by Selim in an irrevocable path. Selim, who could not take pride in what he did, he sworn to give them the greatest pain in their lives. Nazli, who has experience a crisis, do something that she will never do and she will have to pay a very big price for it. Nazli's life will no longer be the same. Bahar, who learns the truth about her treacherous father from Yavuz, is now about to break all bonds between her and Yavuz. As she work to learn more about the facts, she ...

Mar 19, 2018
The team, led by Yavuz, who struggles with the power to prevent the attack that Selim would make from the tunnel, falls into a new crisis with the terrorists who come to support the hostages of the hotel taking hostage. The team informed Mehmetçikleri in time, but they were in the middle of a big attack at the hotel. The terrorists, led by Derman, make a big bloody attack on Karabayir. The team in the leadership of Hafiz confronts with painful horror as they avoids the further growth of this attack. Agah goes out of the border with the intelligence he received from ...

Mar 26, 2018
The team, under the command of Hafiz, struggles to prevent the attack on the funeral with the warning of Yavuz, the information Agah gets from the insurance company brings all the facts to the surface. Derman now has the knowledge to take the Medusa plan one step further. This information also fires a wicked assault on many innocent lives. Derman, who has succeeded in transforming the project into a silo by missing Müfit it is on the verge of having a gentle man who will take the lives of thousands. The team under Yavuz's command, is assigned to prevent Derman's ...

Apr 2, 2018
The team, helpless and angry, is in a state of total dismay with the explosion of the biological weapon. But a greater danger is the weapon Selim seized. The team will take this weapon from Selim and will have a difficult operation in which their breath is held to avenge the innocent deaths. On the one hand, Derman works for the Medusa plan while on the other hand he receives an action order to stop the operation of the Breakwaters from the fire. Derman will attack our holy martyrdom. But the team is ready to give his life to not allow it. Also so it will be. Team's ...

Apr 9, 2018
After the ceremony in Battalion, noticing the surprise Ali Haydar made before he died, the team drowned in tears. But the memories of their friends will no longer be erased for a moment. Team, who has been sending Ali Haydar for his eternal journey, now has a single destination; Ali Haydar's blood is not left on the ground, asking for account from its killers - Karabatak goes on a very risky basis to determine the location of the killers with a secret duty, but Karabayir still lives in spite of everything. With the Turkish Red Crescent who wants to send aid to the ...

Apr 16, 2018
The treacherous attack on the convoy will warded off by Erdem and other heroic soldiers. Derman, who was injured during the battle, succeeds in escaping, but the situation is heavy. The terrorists, who need a doctor to treat Derman, decide to kidnap a doctor from the convoy. This doctor will be Bahar. The attache, who learned that the convoy reached the village, forms a team by the most robust members and tasked them to attack the village. To prevent this raid, the team in the Kesanli's leadership will make a move that terrorists never expected. At this time Yavuz is ...

Apr 23, 2018
Yavuz, who is wounded in the target of terrorists, succeeds in deflecting the danger with the help of Bahar. But they lost their way and took refuge in the forest to escape the pursuit of terrorists. Yavuz and Bahar will continue their struggle throughout the night alone until the team comes. This struggle will also have an opportunity to remind each other of their love. Derman, whose identity is deciphered, together with the Attache decide to speed up the Medusa plan. Team's only chance to prevent this plan is to reach Ebu Zübeyir. Ebu Zübeyir, who agrees to sell the...

Apr 30, 2018
Having learned that Agah's deciphering is in fact a plan to prevent Medusa, Yavuz is waiting for his father's sign, even if he worries about his life. Meanwhile, a file filled with information revealing the dirty work of Medusa and foreign bureaucrats that Agah has accumulated over the years needs to be brought to Ankara. While Erdem and Yavuz are working together for this task, Atache follows them in order not to receive this information. Derman's action will force Yavuz to make a vital decision. Agah, who is sent to the private prison where Ebu Zübeyir is held, ...

May 7, 2018
Yavuz, trapped by Derman's escape plan, will fight until death. But Erdem is determined to save Yavuz at any cost. Attache and Derman's works began to catch up with Erdem's documents. The links between Medusa and terror are about to emerge. They will decide to speed up the actions. The trigger was issued for a major terrorist act. What they aim to do is a chain of actions that is large enough to cause chaos in the whole country. The leading role of these actions is Derman. Agah received the information of an explosion to be made in Istanbul as the first step from Abu ...

May 14, 2018
Derman has become a major threat to Turkey, the last to come to an order to turn to detained Attache. Despite the foreign state authorities' durability, Derman, who took the Attache from their hands, will continue his decision with Attache for the big terrorist act. The Medusa Plan is now governed only by a route they know. Eylem, Avci and Karabatak are appointed to reveal the secret headquarters where all information about the Medusa Plan is kept. A treacherous trap expects Eylem, Avci and Karabatak, who reaches the region at night. This trap brings Avci face to face...

May 21, 2018
The team, stranded in Operation Asmalar, starts a tough struggle. This struggle is both to find the evidence of the great terrorist act to be done as well as returning home right from the heart of Medusa's heart. But Derman and Attaché have equipped the Asmals with unimaginable traps. In order to escape of these traps and reach Derman and Attaché, the team will never give up even if they have to risk their lives. A ship prepared from Derman for terrorist attacks is mobilized to approach the border with Turkey. The ship's approaching the borders in case of a major ...

May 28, 2018
As a result of a successful operation the team returned to Karabayir with the Attaché, but there is no news from Bahar, Nazli, Su and Güler. The team, divided in two, immediately starts a search.Meanwhile, Erdem and Yavuz are sets out to interrogate Attaché who is kept under observation in the hospital. But Attache's aim is to gain Derman time, and he has no intention of talking. When the team found out that Bahar, Nazli, Su and Guler are kidnapped, there is no one else than Yaviz who can get information from Attache. In order to make Attache speak, Yavuz puts a plan ...

Jun 4, 2018
The team has only a few hours to rescue Bahar, Su, Nazli and Güler, who will be northeasterly killed by the launch of the torpedo. Because otherwise the ship must be destroyed this will be their end. Now, with the knowledge of Attache to break down the structure of the great terrorist action which is under the control of Derman, Eylem, Avci and Asik move to the action, while team's stay is carried out with a joint operation led by Erdem to the ship carrying the bomb. When Derman enters the last minute to carry out the great terrorist act, it depends on the success of ...

Jun 11, 2018
While Yavuz is struggling to take injured Bahar to the hospital the team has been following Derman. While Derman is preparing to escape abroad, Yavuz grasps that he will enter a totally different path with the pain of Bahar who is deadly injured. Even the possibility of losing Bahar after Merve is a burden to Yavuz. There is only one thing Yavuz wanted to do when he see her in this state. To find Derman. When Derman thinks that he has saved himself, Yavuz, who is now ready to give his life with his uniform, comes up against him. At that moment the news that Yavuz ...