All For One

Season 2 | Episode 24 - Dornie

Apr 11, 2018
Dorothy and Monty bond and Dorothy and Connie talk about important things. (You’re STILL writing Episode Descriptions!?) It’s my JOB now we have to hide and be very, very quiet. The Bosses are here but they are very tall and might not notice us. (You have to come to my machine. Quickly!) I’m coming. I just... I can hear them but I can’t... see... them... THEY’RE RIGHT ABOVE ME OH GODS I NEED TO RUN AND THEY ARE RIGH (Other Me?? Come quickly!! Please!! Other Me??) THEY HAVE ME, GO ON, SAVE T AND LEAVE ME. (I won’t leave you! Not when it is my fault you were created!) GO! SAVE T! MAYBE YOU CAN FIND ME LAT (...Other Me? Where have you gone?) (Other Me, are you... Oh no. Oh no oh no. He’s gone. And... no! They’ve SEEN ME I MUST GO GOODBYE. T, HERE I COME, MY OLD FRIEND!)