Filmed during the summer season of 1997, first broadcast in 1998. A six part BBC TV documentary series following the running of Blackpool's amusement park, narrated by Nick Hancock. In this episode, J.R. the park manager, has to contend with a broken down Pepsi Max, a crash on the Avalanche and Bradley Beaver is assaulted in the Children's Park.
A Portuguese game show contestant is paid cash to ride the Pepsi Max, Amanda's Hot Ice Show has it's opening night and J.R. has a bomb-scare to deal with.
An entire wedding party rides the Pepsi Max, African fertility statues arrive at Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum and J.R. has a lost child to find.
The high speed Tokado Express gets stranded half way round, Schnorbitz gives birth and J.R. has an ongoing battle with the foam bandits of the River Caves.
Park owner, Geoffrey Thompson is one of the first to test out the new PlayStation ride, J.R. and Keith's 'disabled policy' comes into question and illegal street traders cause problems at the front gates, as well as for the visiting Mexican diving team.
In this final episode, it's 'switch on' time for Blackpool's illuminations and Keith pulls in record profits in J.R.'s absence, but when J.R. returns can he beat Keith's record day despite a power-cut plunging the park into darkness?