Life Below Zero - Season 1 - Episodes (10)

May 19, 2013
Six people separated by hundreds of miles, all joined by the common cause of surviving the winter in the Alaskan bush. In Noorvik, Chip races to set whitefish nets on thin ice for the last catch of the season. Fishing on the frozen river is deadly, but it's vital to haul enough fish to last through the winter. Andy tests the safety of the river surrounding his house that he uses as a link to the outside world. Without this winter lifeline, he is trapped and isolated.

May 26, 2013
Sue heads home after recovering from an injury, only to find that her fuel supply has been stolen. Elsewhere, Chip and Agnes are unable to access their hunting grounds and are forced to barter their supplies.

Jun 2, 2013
Sue sets up hand lines between her most important buildings and prepares firearms as a blizzard approaches. Elsewhere, Erik collects water and wood.

Jun 9, 2013
A wolf approaches Sue's cabin; Chip's snow machine breaks down; and Erik hunts for lynx.

Jun 16, 2013
Sue runs low on fuel and calls for an air delivery, but mechanical trouble and an impending winter storm make travel difficult. Elsewhere, Erik deals with a crafty wolf.

Jun 23, 2013
Kate and Andy collect lumber for their homestead before celebrating her birthday; Chip and Agnes go hunting.

Jun 30, 2013
Sue gets a rare hunting opportunity when a flock of birds end up in her yard; Erik has a snow-machine accident while out setting traps.

Jul 7, 2013
Sue encounters a predator outside her tent; Andy buys a new sawmill and must tow it home despite dangerous snowdrifts on the Taylor Highway.

Jul 14, 2013
Chip and Agnes track a wolf for its fur; Sue hunts for a moose; Kate and Andy prepare for a doomsday scenario.

Jul 21, 2013
Sue travels to Fairbanks to buy her Kavik River Camp; Andy and Kate move their dogs to a safe location before an ice breakup; Erik preps for grizzly-hunting season by renting out his property.