Appropriate Adult - Season 1 (2)

Sep 4, 2011
In February 1994 Janet Leach, a mother of five from Gloucestershire, was at home making her children’s tea when the phone rang. Janet was on an access course which when completed would enable her to train as a social worker. Janet was also on an approved list of ‘appropriate adults’, volunteers who can be asked by the police to sit in on interviews with minors or vulnerable adults in order to assist them and safeguard their rights.

Sep 11, 2011
With Janet no longer involved in the police interviews, Fred becomes uncooperative, but he seems to open up when she is asked to return. As the police continue to search his home and remote country locations for missing victims, Fred becomes preoccupied with one victim in particular - and Janet realises that she is physically similar to the missing woman. Later, Janet visits Fred in prison, hoping to persuade him to reveal more about his crimes. As she tries to convince Fred to tell the whole truth, she becomes gradually more closely involved with him - a development which proves to have shattering consequences for her.