Katie is a syndicated talk show co-owned and hosted by ABC News correspondent and former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric, co-produced in the first half of season one by CZ Productions and Times Square Studios, and since the second half of season one by CZ's successor, KAC Productions, in association with and distributed by Disney-ABC Domestic Television. The show premiered on September 10, 2012. On January 30, 2013, Disney-ABC Domestic Television renewed Katie for a second season in September 2013.
Producer: Meredith Paige Mary Elizabeth Lawrence Teresa Kim Jordan Watland Stacy Jackman Korey Provencher Susie Banikarim Donna Bass Jessica Gerstle Jenna Jackson Tony Maciulis Michele Nowak Kathleen Rajsp Brooke Stelzer Jim Tomlinson Kathy Samuels Michael Bass Eileen King Matt Strauss Bob Peterson Todd Polkes Lori Beecher Dori Kornspan Jen Brown Nicole Angel Joe Robinson Matt Lombardi Jesse McLaren
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