Red vs. Blue - Season 10 - Episodes (22)

May 28, 2012
As York and his A.I., Delta, attempt to pick a lock, Caboose and Sarge bring Epsilon up to date on recent events that led up to his escape.

Jun 4, 2012
Due to York's failure to open the "Ieader's hangar", Carolina and her team, consisting of: Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota, and C.T., infilitrate the main hangar of an Insurrectionist spacecraft full force.

Jun 11, 2012
As Carolina regroups the Reds and Blues, C.T. negotiates with the enemy. Meanwhile, the Freelancers travel to a new location, in order to locate the leader.

Jun 18, 2012
While the Reds and Blues make a pit stop at Zanzibar, the Mother of Invention battles it out with the Insurrectionist flagship the Staff of Charon.

Jul 2, 2012
After their return from their mission at the UNSC Space Recycling Station, North Dakota introduces his new A.I., Theta, to the other Freelancers. The Director soon after establishes a simulation test for North and Theta, in order to study the A.I.'s unique abilities.Meanwhile, at the Wind Power Facility, the Red Team specualte on the future actions of Carolina and Washington.

Jul 9, 2012
At the Wind Power Facility, Carolina and Washington continue their investigation on the Director's whereabouts and discuss his intentions on the use of the Freelancer A.I.s., while being watched by Tucker and Epsilon. Meanwhile, during a Freelancer lecture class, Maine's A.I., Sigma, takes interest on the subject of the fourth stage of A.I. rampancy: "Metastability".

Jul 16, 2012
After discovering C.T.'s location, the Director sends Carolina on a mission to retrieve C.T.'s armor. Meanwhile, York, North Dakota, and Washington discuss the topic of the Alpha A.I.. At the Wind Power Facility, Tucker and Caboose question Epsilon about his Freelancer origins.

Jul 23, 2012
The Reds and Blues are on the road again, and Project Freelancer prepares for a little payback.

Aug 6, 2012
Fighting fire with fire.

Aug 13, 2012
Project Freelancer sends in the big guns for some repo work.

Aug 20, 2012
The Reds and Blues make some interesting discoveries.

Aug 27, 2012
Carolina faces past demons while Church rides shotgun...ish.

Sep 3, 2012
The Reds and Blues return home. Meanwhile, Carolina attempts to obtain some additional A.I.

Sep 11, 2012
Carolina goes under the knife and prepares for her A.I. implantation.