Braxton Family Values - Season 2 - Episodes (26)

Nov 10, 2011
First they’re bickering, then they’re booty shaking – Trina, Towanda, Traci, Toni and Tamar are back. When Evelyn and Traci visit Toni in LA, tensions flare due to Tamar’s newfound fame. Trina’s marriage is put to the test thanks to her new houseguests, and Toni admits she’s been seeing her ex.

Nov 17, 2011
Unhappy with the producer Vince has chosen for her, Tamar goes behind his back to meet with someone else. Traci considers opening a salon and Towanda attempts to whip Toni’s new assistant into shape.

Dec 1, 2011
Gabe and Trina fight over the GPS he installed in her phone while Tamar flies to Chicago to be a guest D.J. After talking to Towanda about their relationship, Andre’s inspired to write a book.

Dec 29, 2011
Trina and Gabe agree it’s time for Towanda and Andre to move out of their house, but disagree on how and when to tell her. With Evelyn on a break from seeing Doc, Towanda informs her mother that she’s fixing her up on a blind date. Evelyn reluctantly agrees to go. Meanwhile, Tamar suggests that Traci learn the beauty biz from top Beverly Hills salon owner Giuseppe Franco. At lunch, Evelyn is shocked when she meets her date and finds out he’s only 27. After five minutes of conversation, Evelyn leaves, embarrassed and annoyed. The next day, Evelyn complains to her daughters about the set up and swears off blind dates. At his salon, Giuseppe offers Traci an apprenticeship. Tamar tells Traci to take it. That night over dinner, Trina admits to her sisters that having Towanda and Andre living with her and Gabe is a strain on their marriage. The girls suggest Trina tell Towanda it’s time to move out. Trina breaks down and cries but is grateful her sisters are behind her. While costume shopping for Towanda’s birthday party, Gabe suggests they throw a hint to Towanda at the party about moving out, but Trina says it’s not the time. Meanwhile, Giuseppe teaches Traci how to shampoo, greet customers with coffee and sweep. All things a novice could do. Traci thinks it’s a waste of time. She doesn’t want Tamar’s help. Over a drinking game, Towanda suggests Traci speak up and voice her opinion. So Traci tells Tamar she feels that Tamar’s always attacking her. Tamar gets defensive. Traci tries to take the fight “outside,” but Tamar won’t budge. The next day, Tamar invites Traci to go to counseling with her. At Towanda’s birthday dinner, everyone dresses as their favorite celebrity and it’s a blast – until Towanda opens a card from Gabe with a gift certificate from a moving company inside, upsetting Towanda and Trina. Finally at therapy, Tamar and Traci talk out issues from the past and resolve to try to get along.

Jan 5, 2012
Tamar tells her sisters how stressed she is about their upcoming gig in New York City. They haven’t sung together in a while and have little time to prepare. Terrence, the girls’ vocal coach, runs scales with the girls until Tamar interrupts, saying they don’t have time for Traci being unprepared. Terrence suggests they remove all the bad energy which offends Tamar. Next, the girls rehearse with a choreographer, Michael, and once again Tamar criticizes Traci. In the midst of practice, Towanda announces she’s leaving at midnight to be home for her son’s first day of school. Tamar flips out and a heated argument ensues. Michael and Trina try to intervene, but Tamar walks out. Towanda changes her schedule so that she can stay for one more rehearsal the next day. Tamar is still angry from the night before, and storms out yet again. Trina follows her while calling Vince, who convinces Tamar to go back inside. Towanda apologizes to Tamar, the girls hug it out, and continue working. Terrence visits Toni and fills her in on all the bickering. Toni shares that her sisters fight instead of follow their talent, which is why she won’t do a group album. Toni says she mothered Tamar in the past but won’t take blame for her personality now. Meanwhile, Evelyn has dinner with Doc, who reveals he’d like to take things to the next level. Evelyn is intrigued. At Terrence’s next session, Towanda isn’t there, Trina’s losing her voice and Tamar doesn’t know the moves – until Traci straightens her out while enjoying the payback. The girls arrive in New York. Towanda tells them about her son’s first day of school, and Tamar is still worried that they’re not ready. On the day of the show, Tamar complains about the wardrobe, but Vince doesn’t want to hear it. In the end, the sisters put on a great performance. Back in LA, the girls report to Evelyn that they pulled it together. Evelyn suggests they do a family album but the sisters agree they have too many issues for that right now.

Jan 12, 2012
Tamar gathers the girls to ask if they want to record a song without Toni. Traci says she’s been down this road before and isn’t ready to give up her cosmetology career to pursue the family album. Towanda assures her they’ll still be able to pursue their own passions. Evelyn suggests to Traci a surprise replacement for Toni: herself. Traci is speechless. Meanwhile, Trina tells Tamar and Towanda she recently had an “oral transaction” with a band member and is thinking of telling Gabe, which her sisters advise against. When Traci finds out, she warns Trina not to tell Gabe, and the sisters discuss the “transaction” in detail. Toni agrees Trina shouldn’t tell Gabe and expresses concern about how he will react. At dinner with Evelyn, Tamar slips in a joke about Gabe’s cheating, after which Trina boldly owns up to her indiscretion. Toni calls Tamar a mean girl for picking on others’ marriages, Tamar gets defensive and the fight escalates to a huge blowout. Afterwards, Evelyn gathers the girls because she’s angry about their behavior. Tamar complains she’s the only one who has to watch what she says, but everyone else sides with Toni, including Evelyn. Evelyn stresses the importance of family, but when Tamar asks Toni for an apology and doesn’t get it, Tamar walks out. Trina apologizes to Evelyn, who tells her not to drink any more wine because she’s acting like a fool. Evelyn meets with Towanda and fills her in on the fight before changing the conversation to ask if she can sing on the family album. Towanda is noncommittal. At therapy with Gabe, Trina admits her indiscretion and Gabe feels betrayed. Dr. Sherry suggests they figure out what they want to do in their marriage. Over dinner, Evelyn confronts Tamar about being disrespectful and announces she wants to sing on the family album. Tamar thinks it’s a terrible idea but says she can sing one song, maybe.

Jan 19, 2012
Over lunch, Toni tells her sisters that she’s being inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. Toni asks her sisters to sing at the ceremony as a tribute to her. They are flattered and agree to do it, but worry they’ll have trouble working together without fighting. At rehearsal, Tamar takes over, and when Towanda leaves to take a call, Tamar proceeds to criticize Traci, who stops working. Tamar, feeling unappreciated, starts to leave but finds Towanda on the phone, and their fight escalates further. Tamar storms out and Trina follows to make peace, but then Traci shows up and blows up at both of them. Later, Trina calls Tamar, who is threatening to leave town, and convinces her to stay and give it another chance. Over lunch, Towanda tells Toni what happened at rehearsal but Toni’s unconcerned because the girls always manage to pull things together. Meanwhile, Evelyn reminds Traci and Tamar that the tribute’s about Toni, not them. Cousin Jay mistakenly brings Michael Sr. from the airport to Evelyn’s, instead of Trina’s. The girls can’t seem to get their act together to sing so they decide to write speeches to honor Toni instead. As Trina and Towanda write, they fill their Dad in, and he’s proud the girls want to make it a nice day for Toni. Pre-ceremony, Towanda gets a call from the producers saying they can’t give speeches, they can only sing. Unprepared to sing, the girls feel awful that they won’t be doing anything, and don’t tell Toni. Meanwhile, Toni does the red carpet and is eager to see her sisters’ performance. But right before her induction, Toni’s confused, because she sees the sisters still sitting in the audience. Afterward, Toni’s hurt that none of her sisters went backstage to congratulate her. The sisters all go to see Dr. Sherry. Toni says she feels let down by her sisters and an argument ensues. Dr. Sherry suggests they change their behavior if they want to improve their situation.

Jan 27, 2012
Where shall I begin… well, I will just start from the beginning. I honestly feel that the comment from Toni was out of place, because I feel out of place as it is. I feel as if I am constantly judged by all of my sisters on a regular basis. I know a lot of you feel that I over reacted but if it was you sitting in the chair with all that built up, I know you would have acted the same exact way. I don’t spend a lot of time with my sisters because I live in Maryland, but when I am with them I make sure to make the best of it because it is so rare. I love my sisters but things have not been the same since the Trio Braxton’s album. And yes, 15 years later it still hurts, because I deserved my chance as well as my sisters. But needless to say, the bond we have is strong and clearly became even stronger on the Sister’s Retreat to Arizona. It was a much needed vacation! So my advice from this episode is to always feel free to express yourself and never hold it in. Your family should be your backbone that you lean on no matter what – through the good and bad. And everyone is entitled to their own opinion…even me

Feb 3, 2012
By now, many of you know that Gabe and I have been separated for the past few months. While our marital life seems to be unfolding before my very eyes, I can’t help but wonder if there is such a thing as being too honest! It has been extremely difficult for me these past few weeks. I’ve been hurt, embarrassed, and let’s not forget: JUDGED.

Feb 9, 2012
Traci explains how she embraced Toni’s advice to lose some weight, and how seeing Vince’s scary situation was even more motivation.

Feb 17, 2012
Mamma Braxton gives her reason as to why Vince pulled through such a rough medical state, and why her family is always there for one another.

Feb 23, 2012
The family gathers to be with Tamar, who’s stressed about Vince’s recovery. Evelyn asks what’s going on with the Soul Train Awards and Tamar reveals she was asked to sing a Gladys Knight song. Her sisters are surprised. Trina, Towanda and Traci are going to present with Tamar, but they had no idea Tamar was also asked to sing. Tamar says this happened before Vince got sick. To prepare, Tamar meets with Jan Smith, the vocal coach for Usher and Bieber, who lectures Tamar about her bad singing habits. Meanwhile, Toni joins the girls to discuss Evelyn’s wedding. They share mixed feelings about it being rushed. Toni anoints herself coordinator then delegates responsibilities to her sisters. At Tamar’s next vocal session, Tamar admits to having low self-esteem. Jan gives her a pep talk to help her get ready for the show. The other girls meet with Doc and Evelyn about the wedding. It’s clear Evelyn and Doc have no idea what they want for their wedding. Later at dinner, Tamar shares her insecurities with her sisters. She asks them to join her at a show rehearsal. Trina agrees to go, but only out of guilt. At rehearsal, Tamar finds out she missed a dance rehearsal and panics. Trina assures her all will be fine. On the day of the show, Tamar gets upset when her sisters don’t make it to the dress rehearsal. When Tamar learns the girls are stuck in traffic, she panics. The sisters finally arrive and go through their presentation backstage but discover they’ve been moved to later in the show, since they were late. Tamar performs her song but afterwards feels like she didn’t do well. Later, when the sisters present, Tamar improvises her lines, so Trina doesn’t get to say her line. Over drinks, Tamar vents and Trina points out at least Tamar had a moment; she had nothing. The girls argue until Tamar shares that she also just found out Vince needs an MRI. The girls, reminded of what Tamar’s going through, put their feelings aside and cheer her up.

Mar 1, 2012
All the sisters go shopping for Evelyn’s wedding dress in Atlanta. They all have opinions but are frustrated because Evelyn is being indecisive. Toni returns to L.A. while everyone else visits the Botanical Gardens as a possible wedding venue. They discuss music, but Evelyn’s not sure what she wants. The girls ask how many guests to invite, and she’s uncertain about that too. At lunch, Towanda asks what Evelyn would like for the bachelorette party. Evelyn firmly says no strippers. When the girls ask if Daddy’s invited, Evelyn again says no. Meanwhile in L.A., Toni and Keri, her ex-husband, go into the studio to work on a new song. Excited, Toni plays around on the keys to find the right sound for her lyrics. In NYC, Tamar and Vince are ready to go home but worry about Vince flying, since he’s still recouping. Tamar suggests Vince work fewer hours once home, but he’s ready to dive back into his job. Meanwhile, Towanda takes Trina and Traci to audition strippers for the bachelorette party (against Mommy’s wishes) and get more than they bargained for. Back in NYC, Vince tells Tamar he wants a dog. Tamar’s not into it but realizes it’ll make him happy, so she agrees. Meanwhile, Daddy’s in Atlanta for work, so the girls go out for dinner with him and reveal that Evelyn’s getting married. They joke around, but he admits he’ll always have a soft spot for her. The next day the girls go to Evelyn’s to discuss the wedding when the phone rings. It’s Daddy calling to congratulate Evelyn. Evelyn is polite, but after hanging up reprimands the girls for telling him. Back in L.A., Toni’s ready to record. After admitting she can be difficult in the studio, she lashes out at Keri because he sped up the music without telling her. Later, Toni hears the song and is pleased. Evelyn finds out that her daughters auditioned a stripper and is insulted, and also concerned that she can’t trust their judgment. Vince and Tamar go to a pet shop where Vince falls for an adorable black puppy.

Mar 8, 2012
Momma E is so stressed from the wedding plans that she’s driving her daughters crazy!

Mar 29, 2012
The reunion show, hosted by Wendy Williams, features the girls, Evelyn and Dr. Sherry. Toni discusses her work, Trina and Towanda explain their complicated marriages and Tamar comments on everything.

Aug 16, 2012
Tamar starts fertility treatments. Tamar and Towanda tell their husbands about the surrogacy idea. Toni enlists her sisters’ help to find new background singers. Evelyn opens a life coaching business.

Aug 23, 2012
Trina calls a truce with Gabe for the kids and drops her band to focus on her solo career. Toni models for Autism cause at Fashion Week; Tamar and Vince meet potential surrogates to carry their baby.

Aug 30, 2012
Evelyn sets Towanda up on a blind date while Trina starts production on her first music video and asks Gabe to invest. Tamar nervously gets her eggs harvested, fertilized and frozen.

Sep 6, 2012
Trina hustles to get ready for her music video shoot. Traci brushes up on her vocals, and sisters throw her a surprise birthday party. The girls worry about Evelyn and stage a diabetes intervention.

Sep 13, 2012
Toni asks sisters to perform with her in St. Lucia while Gabe gets a makeover from Evelyn to prove to Trina he’s a changed man. Trina screens her music video for her biggest critics Tamar and Toni.

Sep 20, 2012
The Braxtons go on vacation in St. Lucia where Toni performs on stage with her sisters. Trina surprises the family with an impromptu vow renewal ceremony, much to the disapproval of her sisters.