Our America with Lisa Ling - Season 5 (10)

May 29, 2014
Over 70% of Americans believe the devil is alive and well, and there's a growing movement in churches to fight him head on. Lisa Ling visits ministries that practice deliverance: calling upon the power of Christ to cast out demons from tortured souls.

Jun 5, 2014
Three years ago, Lisa Ling explored the very private worlds of four different transgender people across America. Now she revisits each of them on their journeys of transformation—from the sex they were born, to the one they feel they really are.

Jun 12, 2014
Lisa Ling explores ADHD, one of the most disputed and misunderstood medical conditions today. In addition to joining three families in their journeys of diagnosis and treatment, she finally has the courage to ask: Could she have it, too?

Jun 19, 2014
Lisa explores the world of criminal informants, untrained civilians who perform undercover operations for law enforcement. By targeting the vulnerable, are police coercing citizens into risking their lives despite uncertain and often deadly circumstances?

Jun 26, 2014
Lisa explores the social and economical forces behind HIV.

Jul 3, 2014
Lisa examines the procedures that follow when a child is removed from their family.

Jul 10, 2014
Ling meets activists that are determined to end gun violence in Philadelphia.