Turn A Gundam, stylized as ∀ Gundam is a 50 episode anime series that aired between 1999 and 2000 on Japan's FNN networks and on the anime satellite television network, Animax, which was created for the Gundam Big Bang 20th Anniversary celebration. It was also compiled into two feature-length movies entitled Turn A Gundam I: Earth Light and Turn A Gundam II: Moonlight Butterfly. Turn A Gundam was the last Gundam anime TV series to be directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, who was the main creator of the Gundam franchise and had written and directed many previous Gundam works. This series was made after Tomino had recovered from his depression that had influenced Mobile Suit Victory Gundam, and the general tone and mood of Turn A Gundam is much more hopeful and less dark than his other Gundam series. Turn A Gundam is also the last of the Gundam metaseries to be hand painted on cels. Gundam SEED, created in 2002, was the first series to use digital coloring. On 22 July 2010, Bandai Entertainment announced that they had acquired the license to release Turn A Gundam in the United States and that they were planning to release the series on Region 1 DVD in 2011. The release was cancelled in January 2012 when Bandai Entertainment announced it would no longer offer any new products in the North American territory.
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