Stoked - Season 1 (26)

Jun 28, 2009
The first day of work is always brutal, but the gang has it worse when Bummer is going to fire the person with the worst evaluation. After they finally get off work, Emma has to clean her clothes after it gets sprayed by a skunk, in addition to being stuck with a mean roommate, Martha McCartney who is fired at the end. Seeing how bad her first day is, Broseph teaches Emma how to surf.

Jul 5, 2009
The new employees get stuck with one of the worst things ever, their initiation. It's where the seniors, led by the snobbish Kelly, make them do humiliating things for the whole day. If the groms are able to endure the stuff, the seniors will take them to an secret section of the beach with the best waves, "The Office", which only a select few get to see.

Jul 12, 2009
The Hotel Management is anxious over the arrival of a Mr. Stanley Stevens—the well-known hotel reviewer. The groms are put through some difficult tasks in order to cater to his every whim. Meanwhile, El Duderino, the ultimate wave that hits once every 20 years, strikes Sunset Beach, which Reef and Broseph are determined to ride.

Aug 2, 2009
When Reef breaks his pinky toe while surfing, he gets the whole week off. Fin, on the other hand, replaces Reef as the new surf instructor for the week. When Bummer is about to fire Reef since Fin was better at the job, Fin decides to give it back. But Bummer almost fires her, that is, until she saves his life. Meanwhile, George is being humiliated by Lo in front of his crush, so he plans revenge. At the end, Reef and Fin catch a few waves.

Aug 9, 2009
When trying to prove who is the better surfer, Fin and Reef get drifted out to sea, and end up on a remote island. Discovering they are the only ones there, Reef and Fin worry about dying on the island. They draw the conclusion that they will never make it back to their real lives, so the two prepare to kiss. At that moment, the rest of the gang shows up, revealing the resort was only 10 minutes down the beach. Meanwhile, Lo snags a vintage surf board tour to impress her dad. When things go wrong, the most valuable board goes missing.

Aug 23, 2009
Broseph, Reef and Emma go into town for beaver tails (a local pastry), but stay too long and realize they're late for work. They try to take a shortcut through the woods, but end up lost in the woods for the day. So, Johnny does everything he can to cover for Emma's absence. Meanwhile, Fin takes photos of the messiest room in the hotel and posts them online. But when she goes out with a hot guy, she discover he's the one staying in the room.

Aug 30, 2009
Lo convinces Reef and Fin to participate in a Tandem surf contest, which she is eager to score a victory to impress her father. When Reef accidentally drops Fin and dislocates her shoulder, Lo forces Broseph to become Reef's partner, with Fin as the coach. Meanwhile, Johnny and Emma pose as a couple in order to film the team Reef and Broseph are up against to see how good they truly are. At the end, Reef makes an attempt at giving Fin flowers. Surprised at the result, Mr. Ridgemount offers to let Lo back in the penthouse. However, Rosie turns up and says that Lo has been running a 'labor camp' at the hotel. Upon hearing this, Mr. Ridgemount changes his mind.

Nov 30, -0001
Bummer goes on a blind date and leaves the hotel. The groms decide to go night surfing with the help of floodlights, but, the lights cause a power outage for the entire hotel. Emma is stuck in the elevator with her crush, Ty because of the outage.

Nov 30, -0001
Afraid that Emma received a bad evaluation, which would lead to her 3rd strike, Lo and Fin try to track down the paperwork before it reaches Bummer. Broseph gets kicked out of his room by Reef and Johnny, and builds a giant sandcastle to live in. When Reef and Johnny realize how much they miss Broseph, they beg him to return.

Nov 30, -0001
Meanwhile Reef dates a girl to get Fin jealous, but gets more than he bargained for.