Chiquititas is a successful children's musical telenovela from Argentina. Created and produced by Cris Morena, starring her daughter Romina Yan, it aired on Telefé from 1995 until 2001. The series focuses about orphans living in a manor, known as Rincón de Luz, where they're guided by a young woman that represents a maternal figure for them. The story explores their experiences such as discovering first love, deceptions, loneliness and friendship. The story is followed by musical themes and videos. There were two spin-offs and a film based on Chiquititas: Rincón de Luz, which aired in 2003 on Canal 9 and a 2006 production, Chiquititas Sin Fin, which aired in Telefe. This season was created to celebrate the 11th anniversary of the series, and was later adapted in Portugal and Romania. A game based on Sin Fin was also released for PS2 and Wii in 2009. The show's feature film Chiquititas: Rincón de Luz was released in 2001.
Director: Carlos Olivieri Hernán Abrahamnsohn Pablo Fisherman Martín Mariani
Producer: Yair Dori Juan Carlos Cabral Fiorella Agostino
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