The New Breed - Season 1 (36)

Oct 3, 1961
Little Muffin Reisman is kidnaped by John Clark, who thinks that the girl's father, Dr. Ted Reisman, was responsible for his own daughter's death

Oct 17, 1961
The squad investigates a hit-run driver.

Oct 24, 1961
Karl Lippert has two problems, on the lam after a robbery that resulted in murder, he's brought his wife with him, and the police are trying to locate her because she is taking medicine that has accidentally been switched with a deadly poison.

Oct 31, 1961
Key men at an electronics firm are being murdered, but no motive can be discerned. Lt. Adams enlists the help of psychiatrist Buel Reed, who explains the killer may actually want to be caught, and can be, if only the clues present can be understood.

Nov 7, 1961
After a woman's body is found in a fish pond on an industrialist's estate, Adams and his men investigate and discover a complex case involving blackmail and a pair of suspicious suicides.

Nov 21, 1961
At an old folks home, a woman working undercover for the police is murdered, and the owners of the home are the prime suspects, as they have scammed their residents in the past. When they try to run away, it seems all but certain they're guilty, but Adams believes the killer is one of the home's residents.

Dec 12, 1961
The Metropolitan Squad pursues a man who killed a housewife. The killer tricked the housewife to letting him in her house, making her believe he was a friend of her husband. The killer selects his victims after picking up information from people who have given a ride while he hitchhikes. Now, a woman who was assaulted by the killer earlier comes forward as new clues emerge about his M.O. Adams and his men race to find the killer before he can strike again.

Jan 9, 1962
A drug-addicted girl has a Mexican boyfriend that wants to somehow get her off heroin, and away from the vicious pusher who runs a shabby office in a run down neighborhood. Adams and his squad have a plan to bust the traffickers that involves them both, but The problem for the man is that since he's in America illegally, he fears involvement with the police.

Mar 6, 1962
An outbreak of disastrous fires might be the random work of a pyromaniac, but Adams can't be sure until clues prove that valuable, insured merchandise was somehow spared. It's the work of a professional firebug, decimating stores and property to order for a well organized arson ring.

Mar 13, 1962
An old friend of Adams, Floyd Blaylock, who was his sergeant from the Korean War, is in town and making trouble. Though he is a decorated hero for saving Adams's life, he's deeply scarred from his experiences psychologically and seeks to assuage imagined guilt by committing dangerous acts.

Mar 20, 1962
Several women are suspects when the body of a notorious bank robber is discovered behind the wheel of his getaway car.

Apr 3, 1962
Chris and Arne Halverson are two fishermen who still harbor a lot of resentment toward Germans, the result of their experiences during World War II. When they discover their sister Inge in German saloon-keeper Karl Muelich's tavern, they proceed to take the place apart

Apr 10, 1962
Cavelli hasn't heard from his cousin Maria since her marriage to Frank Danielo, so her phone call comes as something of a surprise. So does her message: Danielo is trying to kill her.

Apr 17, 1962
The parents of teen-ager Karen Kegler have never approved of her boy friend Ronnie Bryson. But now they are faced with the important decision of accepting him.

Apr 24, 1962
It looks like routine duty when the Met Squad is assigned to keep the peace during a big fraternal convention—until pretty Louise Pittman falls from a window in the room where she was dancing with other guests.

May 29, 1962
Fred Kingman has just wheeled his trash barrels out to the front of his house when a car speeds by and someone throws a fire bomb.

Jun 5, 1962
Art collector Virgil Payne has opened up a sideline: collecting criminals. Seems Payne is masterminding an armored-car robbery and he is gathering together the specialists in the field.