Big Brother

Season 4 | Episode 16 - Series 4, Episode 16 - The Live Task

Jun 7, 2003
Watch as the housemates take on a task set by Big Brother, live to the nation. Its the second Saturday night task and Big Brother gets back to basics with a game of pass the pastle! Each housemate must play and those who are lucky enough to have the pastle when the music stops will have to answer a question, asking this correctly will gain them a reward. As a final twist, Big Brother tells them the last person to win the game must take just one person with them to enjoy the reward, Scott is given this job and he takes Nush with him. Those who won a place in the secret room for the night were Jon, Nush, Tania, Scott, Gos, Cameron and Federico. Ray, Sissy and Steph all failed and did not gain access. The room changed from last week, this time around it was a fun arcade room with lots of party food and a variety of arcade games.