Big Brother

Season 2 | Episode 31 - Series 2, Episode 31

Jul 2, 2001
He was one of the favourites to win in the first few weeks, but Bubble would be the fourth contestant to leave the house of Big Brother 2. The news of his eviction caused shock to all of the housemates, Paaul had been sure he would be going all week but the public had given him a reprieve yet again. In the hours leading up to his departure he told everyone what he thought of them, most memorably telling Brian he was ""The Funniest man I have ever met"". He told Liz his worries about letting his daughter down by being evicted. Then, at 11.00pm he took the walk of shame past the crowed & press alongside Davina. All three of them loved him. His interview was honest and he told the viewers who he wants to win, who will be out next and who he will stay in contact with.