Big Brother - Season 1 - Episodes (49)

Jul 18, 2000
10 average people - Andrew, Anna, Caroline, Craig, Darren, Melanie, Nichola, Nicholas, Sada and Thomas - enter the Big Brother house, a space-aged bungalow filled with cameras and microphones to record their every move and sound. During their first few days in the house, the new housemates get to know each other, Anna reveals she is a lesbain, Mel and Andy get cosy, the group are set their first food challenge - a pottery contest - and Nichola uses the clay to decorate the house walls with images of her naked body. Before long, many others join in, too.

Jul 21, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. The housemates give Clay Painting a go to break the ice.

Jul 23, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. The boys are getting tired of Sada....

Jul 24, 2000
Its the first round of Nominations in the house and after only two weeks, its clear that some habits of the others are causing annoyance and ultimatley - Nominations. In this first week of Nominations, Sada & Caroline have the most votes and are up for eviction.

Jul 25, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The reults oif the first nominations are revealed to the housemates....

Jul 26, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. Sada and Caroline are getting nervous about the pending Eviction vote.

Jul 27, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. Craig & Caroline are starting to annoy each other, how long will the peace hold out?

Jul 27, 2000
Live on Channel 4, Sada Walkington was evicted from the Big Brother house. After saying goodbye to the others and walking through the crowd of cheering fans, she joined Davina McCall in the studio for a frank interview where she revealed what it was like to be in the Big Brother house, and who she wants to win... and wants out next.

Jul 30, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The BB Physcologists take a detailed look at the contestants behaviour

Jul 31, 2000
Its the start of Week 3 and the second round of Nominations. The antics of 'Nasty Nick' are making him very unpopular with the viewing public, but his housemates dont seem to have spotted it and he still recieves no nominations. But, yet again, Caroline is upsetting people left right and centre and faces eviction for a second time. Andy is suprised to learn he is also on this weeks hit-list.

Aug 1, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The housemates continue with the Week 3 task.

Aug 2, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The housemates have a house meeting and some pet hates are revealed.

Aug 3, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. Andrew & Caroline get ready for the pending Eviction Vote Results. Anna is upset by the prospect of losing Caroline.

Aug 3, 2000
Caroline continued her popularity run with the public when she survived eviction in Week 3. Her popularity came at a cost for fellow nominee Andrew. His Big Brother experience was over after 3 weeks. His loutish and laddish behaviour had proved a turn-off for the viewing public and he was voted out with a 68% share of the 1.2 million votes counted that week. At first he walked out calm and collectedly but his walk soon turned into a run when he saw his friends and family on the horizon. He was greeted by a slightly moody crowed, but recieved more and more cheers as he approahced the studio. His chat with Davina gtave him a shock - the double dealings of his beft friend in the house - Nicholas.

Aug 7, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The BB physcologists analyise the contestants behaviour.

Aug 8, 2000
Its the third round of Nominations and its clear that things are starting to get personal. Yet again, Caroline is up for eviction. Thomas has been getting close to eviction the past two weeks and now he finally notches up enough votes to go head-to-head with dab-hand Caggy. Nichola and Craig are gettign ever closer to enough Nominations to mean possible eviction. Darren seems to have gathered less votes that usual this week.

Aug 9, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The housemates continue with the ""Semaphore Signalling"" weekly task.

Aug 10, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The housemates learn who is up for evicti0on on Friday.

Aug 11, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. Caroline & Thomas get ready for the Eviction result on Friday. Nichola has an argument with Darren.

Aug 11, 2000
Caroline, who has escape eviction two weeks before this, Week 4, finally got her marching orders from the public. She was cleary dissapointed when the news was first announced, but soon jumped around happily when her family and friends could be heard from the link to the studio. Not suprisingly considering her track record, Caroline was adored by the crowed outside. The cheers were loud, posters were waving and Caggy lapped it up! Just like Andrew before her, Caroline was shocked about the news of how fellow contestant Nicholas had done whatever he saw fit to escape nomination. When the evidence was presented to her she just said ""That guy used to follow me everywhere. He was talking about moving in with some of us"" Before she was whisked away by Davina she added ""He was obviously just working us""

Aug 14, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The Big Brother Physcologists take a look at the housemates behaviour.

Aug 15, 2000
Another week and another round of increasingly volitle nominations! This week starts normally but events on Thursday (See Guide to Episode ""Nick Evicted"") were to change the course of Big Brother 2000 forever. But, the housemates werent aware of his scheming, and Nick continued his perfect run without getting any nominations. After weeks of one or two votes away from Nomination, both Nichola and Craig face eviction on Firday.

Aug 16, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The housemates continue with the ""Cycling Challenge"" weekly task. Thomas tells Craig about Nick's Scheming.

Aug 17, 2000
The nation had been watching eagerly for five weeks to see who Nick would be backstabbing next, who was next on his hit-list and ultimately how long it would take to backfire on him, as week 5 approached people were starting to wonder if his lies and deception would ever cath up with him. We shouldnt have doubted that. On the evening of Wedsensday 16th 2000, Craig was approached by Tom and told that Nicholas had been telling the group that Craig was the traitor. Darren was outraged that Nick could abuse the rules to use pens and paper in the house. He searched through his Nicks case. both agreed that they should wait until the morning to approach Nick. As the morning of Thursday 17th August came, the group had a meeting confronting Nicholas. Viewing figuresd for the website were up 68% and reached the highest they would ever be for the series. As the full extenet of Nick's rule breaking was revealed Channel 4 executives were already planning an extra hour-long show to cover the incredi

Aug 18, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother care getting along. The housemates try to cope with the loss of Nick, and Craig & Nichola also have the eviction vote to worry about!

Aug 18, 2000
Nichola's Eviction was somewhat shadowed by the incredible events surrounding Nicholas the day before. On the Wednesday and Thursday, viewers votes dried up because nobody knew if the eviction was still taking place, even the Big Brother and Channel 4 executives. Eventually, they decide that they should go ahead with the eviction and the phone line numbers were publicised again. Craig's confrontation had proven his saviour, he had more votes than Nichola until the Thursday, but after Nichola recieved more. Fittingly, Nichola was drunk by the time she left. A disorrientated and very excited Nichola walked to the studio for an interview with Davina.

Aug 21, 2000
Big Brother rules state that if somebody leaves by choice or is expelled for any reason, another housemate must be brought in to replace them. Nicholas was expelled and this episode takes a detailed look at the new contestant sent in to replace him - Claire, and her first few days in the house. Big Brother experts take a detailed look at waht the other housemates first imporessions of Claire are - thorugh thier body langauge. They may say they like her but most are giving out signs without knowing it that tell us the exact opposite.

Aug 22, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. The BB Physcologists take a look at the contestants behaviour.

Aug 23, 2000
Its week 6 and the nomination process continues. This week, however things are very different. Maybe its the arrival of Claire, maybe its Nick's Depature. Whatever the reason, The housemates seem confused and its reflected in thier Nominations. Unusually, 4 people are up for eviction. Anna, Craig, Darren and Thomas all face eviction on Friday.

Aug 24, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. The contestants continue with the ""Memorise 100 Heads"" task.

Aug 25, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. Thomas, Anna, Darren & Craig all prepare for the Eviction results.

Aug 25, 2000
It was second time unlucky for Thomas who had survived eviction in Week 4 but didnt live another day on Week 6. Unusually, he was up against THREE other contestants Anna, Darren & Craig. After emotional goodbyes, Tom made his way down the now infamous gridded floor and out of the Big Brother house. He was greeted by an army of fans and posters, aswell as the open arms of Davina and his family. In the studio he was suprised when ex-housemate Andrew walked in to gibe him his blessings.

Aug 27, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. The Big Brother physcologists take a look at the housemates' behaviour.

Aug 28, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. The housemates contiue with another weekly task.

Aug 29, 2000
Its getting even tougher now that the housemates left are so close to the end, but its business as usual and the Nominations coninue. However, there is a huge mix-up. Darren shouts his nominations particually loud and everyone waiting in the living area hears it. He votes for Craig & Mel and they know it. After Mel cries, Darren pleaeds with Big Brother to have a second-run of nominations, relutantly, BB agrees. He changes his vote from Mel to Claire, Craig remains his choice. Had he stuck with his original choices it would be Claire, Mel & Craig up for eviction. As it strands, it just Craig & Claire

Aug 29, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. The housemates learn who is facing eviction on Friday.

Sep 1, 2000
Another daily update on how the contestants of Big Brother are getting along. Craig & Claire get ready for news on the eviction vote.

Sep 1, 2000
She had only been in the house for 13 days, but Claire's short stay brought fun for the housemates. But now, at the end of Week 7, she must leave. She ran down the gridded floor to meet with Davina and Friends and Family. And, a very posotive crowed who chanted her name as she walked in the studio to mass applause and hugs! In her Interview with Davina, Claire revealed how her hostility towards Melanie wasnt her doing, how her favourite was Craig and how she thought Anna & Darren were both very genuine. Melanie, she wasnt so sure about.

Sep 4, 2000
Another daily update on the how the Big Brother contestants are getting along. The Big Brother physcologists take a detailed look on the housemates' behaviour.

Sep 5, 2000
Another daily update on the how the Big Brother contestants are getting along. The contestants continue with another weekly task.

Sep 6, 2000
Its Week 8 and the final round of Nominations. There are just four contestants remaning and just two weeks of Big Brother left, but who will be the final Nominees? predictbly, Anna & Melanie vote identically. Craig and Darren, However vote differently. The result is suprising - Mel is facing eviction for the first time. Old veterains of the Eviction game, Darren & Craig are also up for eviction on Friday. Anna is gauranteed a place in the final because she only recieved one nomination in total.

Sep 7, 2000
Another daily update on the how the Big Brother contestants are getting along. The contestants learn who is up for eviction on Friday.

Sep 8, 2000
Another daily update on the how the Big Brother contestants are getting along. Melanie, Darren & Craig all prepare for news on how the publioc have voted on the final eviction. Who will be the final three?

Sep 8, 2000
It was the first time flirtatious Melanie had been up for eviction, and just 7 days before the finale she so desperatley wanted to reach came around, she was choosen to leave. A teary, yet vibrant Mel left the Big Brother house live on Channel 4 to cheers from her family and from Davina, aswell as the now frantic british press. The cheers didnt last, a moody crowed booed her all the way to the studio and she was clearly upset, but refused to let it ruin her time in the limelight and posed for the press confidently. In a frank interview with Davina, Melanie revealed how she really felt about Claire, and how exactly she intends to follow up on the romances she had with Tom and Andrew.

Sep 11, 2000
Another daily update on the how the Big Brother contestants are getting along. The Big Brother physcologists take a detailed look on the housemates' behaviour.

Sep 12, 2000
Another daily update on the how the Big Brother contestants are getting along. The final three find out about the final task, ""Mind, body & Soul""

Sep 13, 2000
Another daily update on the how the Big Brother contestants are getting along. The final three enjoy the final week. Darren has the ""Soul"" part of the task, which includes a very noisy baby!

Sep 14, 2000
Another daily update on the how the Big Brother contestants are getting along. Anna, Darren & Craig continue with the Mind, Body and Soul task.