The Littl' Bits - Season 1 - Episodes (26)

May 1, 1991
Every Spring there is a festival in Foothill forest for the children. One of the traditions of the festival is the elecion of a ""king"" and ""queen"" of the festival. Snagglebit is so sure that he is going to be voted ""king"" he has even made a wreath for Lillibit whom he believes will be elected ""queen."" Sure enough Lillibit is elected ""queen"" of the festival,but unfortunatly for Snagglebit Willibit is elected ""king"" instead of him. Snagglebit is furious and he storms off. Lillibit runs over to Willibit's house to tell Willibit the good news and to invite him over to the festival. Willibit and his family are excited, but Willibit says that he has to help his father help a nieghbor named Mr. Grape get some grapes up stream. Lillibit is a little disappointed, but she then decides to help out. Snagglebit finds the raft with grapes on it and decides to hide it so that Willibit will have to look for it. He hopes that with Willibit absent they will substitute him as ""king"" of the festi

May 8, 1991
When Chip see Dr. Snoozabit tend to his father's ankle after it got scrapped from his (Chip's father's) falling out of a tree he suddenly decides he wants to be a doctor. At first his father,Chopabit, is against it saying that Chip is going to carry on the famiy tradition of wood-cutting. Chip is still however determined and later pressures Dr. Snoozabit to let him be his assitant. Dr. Snoozabit at first says ""No"" , so Chip decides to wait outside his office in the rain forcing the doctor to comply to his wishes, but only if Chip's father agrees to it. Chopabit must've had a change of heart because the next day we see Chip at Snoozabit's office excited about his first day as the ""doctor's new assitant"" Dr. Snoozabit leaves to get some herbs for medicine. Lillibit thinks that she should stay behind just incase something happens, but Chip assures her and the others to leave everything up to him. Chip is alone in the office when suddenly a man comes in with a sick boy. Chip (who had been

May 15, 1991
Willibit and his family, and Lillibit are helping the Bakeabits preparing the pastries and cakes for a wedding. All is going along fine except that for some reason the mill seems to be slowing down. Mr. Bakeabit and Mr. Grumpabit investigate and discover that the reason is because the stream that powers the mill is slowing down to a trickle. Willibit and Lillibit decide to find out whats blocking the stream. While out looking for the source of the trouble the two bits run into Browniebit and Snagglebit along with another little bit kid. The three other kids join in with Willibit and Lillibit to see what the problem is. They soon discover that a bunch of beavers have dammed up the stream. Lillibit goes over to the beavers to ask them to take the dam down but suddenly something scares them off. The children notice a wildcat. According to Snagglebit the wildcat is the beavers' enemy. Willibit, Lillibit, and Snagglebit decide to try and help the beavers get rid of the wildcat. Browni

May 22, 1991
Several Miners disappear in a cave. When Mayor Bossabit and some men hear about the disappearence they decide to launch a search party to find the miners. Elderbit tells the Lillibit, Willibit, Snagglebit, and a couple other boys about the legend of the Rainbow Firefly which has been rumored to live in the area of the caves. There is some skepticism from the adults about weather the firefly still exsists as it has not been seen for many many years. Inspired by the storey Willibit and his friends decide to go in to the caves to search for the firefly. One of the adults tells them to go home, but of course they don't listen. It turns out to be a good thing too because once Lillibit and Willibit split into one party and Snagglebit and his friends split into another party, Snagglebit and his friends discover the firefly. Willibit and Lillibit catch up to Snag and his friends but are attacked by a bunch of bats. Using a torch and some help from Blue the hedge-hog the fight the bats back. Af

May 29, 1991
It is November in Foothill Forest and all the adult littlebits are concerned with the winter harvest preparations. Mayor Bossabit however is busy running for mayor once again. He has a little lunch party and invites the children over. The children enjoy various desserts that Helpabit made. Confusing democracy with monarchy Snagglebit says that he will automatically be mayor after his father. Chip and Willibit tell Snagglebit that the only way that he can be mayor is if he gets elected. Mayor Bossabit says that that is true. Later on the children along with some of the adults hear the Mayor tell his campaign speech. Apparently Mayor Bossabit's campaign speech hasn't changed much because a few of the adults are also mouthing along with him. Of course he doesn't know this and is still confident that he has everyones attention. Elderbit suggests that they really don't need an election because ""everyone's so busy with the harvest',but Mayor Bossabit insisits on an election anyways. The

Jun 5, 1991
Willibit is slightly displeased becase he is ""caught"" by his sister while going off to play with Lillibit. His mother appears and askd Willibit to go to the market to trade some things for her. Willibit is disappointed at having the perfect opertunity to play ruined by a trip to the market; however he cheers up a little when he sees Lillibit who is going to the market also. Teeneybit asks if she can come along and Mrs. Grumpabit says yes. However if there is one bit who is the most feared in Foothill Forest it is Scareybit,so when it is rumored that she has been seen near the village Mrs. Grumpabit makes sure to tell her son Willibit to watch out for her. At the market the children meet up with Snagglebit and Helpabit who is selling flowers. While they are all talking Scareybit shows up. Indeed she has a reputation because the whole entire patrons of the market and some of the vendors disband.Willibit graps Lillibit and immediatly they run off. There is however one slight problem: Teen

Jun 19, 1991
Snagglebit has always tried to impress Lillibit. He tries to impress her with his sledding skills by letting her ride with him, but unfortunatly the sled ends up crashing into Elderbit. Elderbit tells them to watch out for such behavior or the Legendary Snow Woman will get them. Willibit comes over in time to see what happened after Elderbit leaves. Snagglebit says he isn't scared by Elderbit's storey, but Lillibit says that she ""sees a castle"" in her dreams. Lillibit wonders if there really is a castle over the mountain ridge. Snagglebit looks up in the sky and then gets an idea. Later that night Snagglebit builds a kind of kite-glider to help Lillibit see over the mountain tops. The next day he goes to Lillibit's house to show her his new invention. Lillibit sits in the middle of the kite-glider and Snagglebit, along with the help of a couple other boys) hoists it up into the air. Everything is going great until the wind carries Lillibit too far out and the boys loose thier grip o

Jun 26, 1991
A hockey match between Willbit, Lillibit, Snagglebit, Chip, and Browniebit; vs. a bully named Ivn and his teammates decides the fate of a baby raccoon. Lillibit let's the raccoon go without telling anyone. At first her friends are mad at her, but then Willibit assures them that she only did what she thought was best for the raccoon. It's a good thing to because when the ice on the lake breaks the baby raccoon and his family come to rescue the children.

Jul 3, 1991
As the granddaughter of Madam Bella the Weaver, Rosiebit is convinced that she should win the weaving contest. Lillibit is also in the contest, but she really doesn't want to win all she wants to do is make a yellow dress for Teeneybit (Willibit's sister). However Rosiebit becomes convinced that Lillibit is going to win when she overhears Madam Bella say that she thinks Lillibit will win to Elderbit and Mayor Bossabit. Rosiebit decides she must prevent Lillibit from winning so she gets rid of the yellow dye that Lilibit needs for the dress she is making. When Lillibit finds that the yellow dye is gone she decides to go into the snow to look for sun posies (the flower used to make the dye). She and Willibit end up in an avalanche, and are rescued by thier friend Snagglebit. Rosiebit is sorry for what she did, and her grandmother Madam Bella decides that she doese have a heart and Rosiebit wins the weaving contest, and becomes Madam Bella's successor.

Jul 10, 1991
Lillibit befriend a baby bear cub that the rest of the village think is dangerous. When the villagers try to scare the bear cub off Lillibit gets angry. Her uncle Dr. Snoozabit tries to tell her that the only reason that they are trying to drive the bear from the village is for his own saftey as well as the villagers, but Lillibit won't hear any of it. She runs off with the bear cub and plays with him until his mother calls for him. She urges her ursine friend on to his mother, but is sad when he leaves. Lillibit is sad, but then someone calls her name. She turns around and sees her uncle who tells her that the village was only doing what they thought was right, and that while the bear cub is gone Lillibit isn't alone because the people of the village will always be there for her.

Jul 17, 1991
Williebit, Lillibit, and Snagglebit are over at Lillibit's house talking in partial boredom until Willibit accidentally tears the leaf off of a plant that Lillibit had. Despite her protests that her Uncle Snoozabit should not be bothered the two boys go to the next room to see if he can help them with the plant. When they see him they find him looking through a telescope. The children forget about the plant and become curios about the telescope that Snoozabit has. He lets each of them take turns useing it and then tells them to wait until night so that they can see the stars through it. While it is her turn to look through the telescope Lillibit sees a shooting star. Willibit and Snagglebit also see the shooting star. The next day Dr. Snoozabit has Fixabit build him a bigger telescope. He has an idea to put the telescope on top of Mount So-High, which is the highest point in Foothill Forest. The Mayor approves of the idea, but Elderbit, who is a bit superstitious, is afraid that bui

Jul 24, 1991
Mayor Bossabit decides to enter a honey-making contest with the help of Helpabit whose has a secret family recipe that promises to make great honey with blue lovelies (a type of flower found in Foothill Forest) which happens to grow in the Mayor's garden. The children help Helpabit gather flowers for the honey along with a little aid from Grumpabit (Willibit's father). Helpabit wants the recipe to be just right for the mayor so he doesn't let the children have any of the honey until he is sure that it is ready. Helpabit tastes the honey and much to his disappointment it is bitter. Meanwhile Snagglebit is alone daydreaming in the garden when his father Mayor Bossabit comes up and asks why he (Snagglebit) isn't helping Helpabit gather flowers for the honey when Snagglebit says that it is because Helpabit won't let him and the other children have any of the honey. Mayor Bossabit and Snagglebit look for Helpabit and come across the honey that he has made. The Mayor and Snagglebit are about