Me and My Girl

Season 3 | Episode 9 - Forty Years On

Nov 29, 1985
Simon receives a visitor called Mr Broclebank who wants Simon's agency to help him in his charity work. Simon refuses. Nell walks into the office to discover that Mr Brocklebank is her long-lost love whom she met during the war. She rushes out, too scared to talk to him. When Samantha hears about Nell's romance she decides to matchmake and invites Mr Brocklebank back to the office where Nell will be alone.When Nell and he meet their friendship is revived. They go to the local wine bar where Simon is told by a friend that Mr Brocklebank owns a large cosmetic company which could set him up with valuable contacts. Simon is then pleased for the relationship. However, Nell learns that Mr Brocklebank is happily married and decides not to see him again. Simon's housekeeper Isobel is luckier in her romance: Liz has offered to introduce her to a boy called Joe, and although Isobel has initial misgivings because Joe is black, she quickly decides that he is most attractive and charming.