Me and My Girl

Season 3 | Episode 2 - Wild About Harry

Oct 13, 1985
Samantha wants to learn about her mother and asks Simon to describe her. But he finds it difficult. He only remembers her having one fault - that she used to use his toothbrush. He is also under a lot of strain because he needs a loan to tide over a difficult business patch. He suggests she go to Derek and Nell but he warns them before not to tell about the incident with Harry. But Isobel has heard of Harry and slips it out to Samantha about him.Both Derek and Nell try hard not to mention Harry to Samantha whilst describing her mother, but Samantha asks about him and they have no choice but to tell her to go to Simon. He then tells her Harry's story - that he was engaged to Ruth before Simon was and after a bitter argument they had fought and Simon had won. After that, Simon had promised Ruth he would never use violence and that he would bring up any children they had to abhor violence. Samantha then promises never to watch violence on TV - and also that she will stop secretly using hi