Me and My Girl

Season 3 | Episode 11 - An Inspector Calls

Dec 13, 1985
Derek hears that a VAT inspector is coming to the office to inspect the company's books. Derek tries to get hold of Simon to help him deal with the inspector. But Simon has been rushed to hospital with appendicitis. He has to be operated on, which scares him into saying he is fine, but the doctor is keen to operate. Nell, Isobel, Samantha and Derek visit him in hospital, determined not to worry him with the problems at work. But they find it hard to keep their anxiety concealed.When the VAT inspector arrives he tells Derek not to give any excuses for the books. Derek goes off to see Simon in hospital but faints when he sees him receiving an injection. Samantha comes to the office to discover that the Inspector has found a discrepency in the books. Samantha discovers he has calculated it wrong and, in fact, it is much greater. Derek is in despair to hear Samantha apparently adding up a VAT debt of thousands of pounds. Then he discovers that the discrepency is in the company's favour - t