Me and My Girl - Season 2 - Episodes (7)

Jan 18, 1985
Simon falls into a canal whilst out jogging trying to impress an attractive girl. He discovers that the girl, Ernestine, is a doctor and she comes to his house to test him for water poisoning. Simon becomes very ill and is unaware that Samantha and Maddie are taking odd foods up to her room. The next day Simon meets Ernestine out jogging and invites her to dinner. She accepts but when she gets to his house she is overcome by shortness of breath and says she is allergic to cat fur and points out that Samantha has been keeping a stray cat in her room which has now escaped downstairs. Simon forces Samantha to contact its original owners who then come to collect the cat, as Ernestine admits she cannot see Simon again because she needs to devote her time to the surgery.

Jan 25, 1985
Simon and Derek have to impress a new client in order to get him to hire their company. The man, Mr Taylor, has made a huge fortune selling turkeys. During their meeting, Simon fails to impress Mr Taylor and his brought-along ladyfriend. By chance he stares out of the window to see a street entertainer dressed as a turkey. He announces that in Mr Taylor's campaign a performing turkey should feature strongly. Mr Taylor likes this idea. However, when Simon needs to speak to the street performer the man is missing, so he persuades Derek to dress up as a turkey. Whilst doing this Derek sees the performer and runs over to him. The performer, horrified that someone had copied his act, attacks Derek. He then returns to the offfice, where Mr Taylor is waiting, in a torn and battered costume. Mr Taylor is unimpressed and leaves. They lose his account.

Feb 1, 1985
Simon arrives at work to find Derek's son has been involved in a motorbike accident and is being threatened with legal action. Nell has had her pocket picked but she magaed to keep hold of the thief and wants to press charges. Liz has a message that Samantha has been caught shoplifting.Samantha explains to Simon that her friend had stolen the tape recorder and she was only returning it, but she refused to tell who it was. Samantha then confides to Simon that it was her friend Penny but she had been blackmailed by an older girl at school. Simon decides to teach the older girl a lesson by pretending to be a gangster, along with Derek and pickpocket Dilke. The girl is so alarmed by the gangsters' violent talk that she decides to abandon her blackmailing immediately

Feb 8, 1985
Samantha changes her image when she becomes friends with a girl called Katie. She wears black clothes, make-up and strange hair. They want to go to a pop concert but Simon won't allow it.Meanwhile Simon and Ron swap places to see how they cope with each others' jobs. Ron actually pulls off a very good deal despite Derek's anxieties.Simon eventually agrees to let Samantha go to the concert with him escorting. The girls are embarrassed by what he wears. Also at the concert are the new clients Nell and Mr Bagshaw who behave like teenagers to the humiliation of Samantha and Katie who are disgusted by their elders' behaviour.

Feb 15, 1985
Simon has been offerd a high-paid job in California. Derek hears of this through his friend Fergus who offers to take Simon's place in the business when he leaves. Derek - furious with Simon for not telling him about California - agrees. Simon is also angry when he sees Fergus measuring his space in the office and realises that Derek wants to get rid of him. Because of this, Simon accepts the job.Samantha wants to go to California but does not want to leave Maddie, the housekeeper, unemployed. She has an idea that Maddie will be Derek's housekeeper and his wife Muriel can work with Derek in the office. Derek is horrified at the thought of working all day every day with his wife and begs Simon to stay. Simon - delighted that Derek is begging him to stay - agrees and foregoes the job in America. Fergus then arrives with a huge, antique desk, which he installs in Simon's office.

Feb 22, 1985
Eyecatchers is in debt and needs financial help - or Simon and Samantha will have to sell their home. A man named Babu Bhatti offers to hire the firm if they are able to contact Dean Martin to appear at the closing caberet for a conference. Simon, desperate for the money, agrees - but he has no idea how to contact Dean Martin.He discovers that Dean Martin plays golf at a local course in London each morning and he goes along with Samantha and Derek in the hope of catching his attention. Simon accidentally hits a golf ball which lands on Dean Martin's head and knocks him unconscious. Nell, who also turned up, helps Dean Martin with her first aid knowledge and in return he agrees to appear at the caberet. However, Babu Bhatti suddenly remembers it was Jerry Lewis he wanted, not Dean Martin. But he signs the contract anyway and Simon and Samantha can keep their house.

Mar 1, 1985
A schoolfriend of Samantha's has invited her on holiday to Blackpool, but Samantha always goes to the Isle of Wight with her Dad. Simon has also received an offer for a holiday with his girlfriend Gillian. Neither wants to disappoint the other. Maddie tells Samantha not to be scared of her father like she was scared of hers. Maddie then hears from her father that she must return to Scotland to fulfill her promise of marriage to a man named Ecky, because she has not found a husband for herself. The others, in a desperate attempt to keep Maddie, try to find someone to pretend to be Maddie's fiancee. When Maddie's father arrives at the house, Nell, Simon and Liz all introduce different men to be Maddie's fiancee. Her father is not fooled by their actions but explains that Maddie does not need to go away because Ecky has chosen to stay in the Army instead of marrying. Simon then urges Samantha to go to Blackpool with her friend, although he is too late to go with Gillian to Tenerife. Howev