Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - Released 15 Years 7 Months Ago

Cast & Crew - Age Breakdown

Age At Time Of Release

(Start - End)

Age Now

Profile 53 - 55 69

Profile 65 - 67 81

Leonard Nimoy (Deceased)
77 - 79 83

Profile 26 - 27 41

Profile 53 - 54 68

Profile 42 - 43 57

Profile 37 - 38 52

Profile 40 - 41 55

Profile 56 - 58 71

Profile 26 - 27 41

Profile 44 - 46 60

Profile 36 - 38 52

Profile 40 - 42 56

Profile 29 - 31 45

Profile 32 - 34 47

Ray Liotta (Deceased)
54 - 55 67

Profile 34 - 36 50

Profile 28 - 29 43

Profile 61 - 63 77

Profile 40 - 42 55

Profile 42 - 44 57

Profile 42 - 44 58

Profile 31 - 33 47

Profile 44 - 46 60

Profile 28 - 29 43

Profile 26 - 28 42

Profile 30 - 32 46

Profile 38 - 40 54

Profile 51 - 52 66

Profile 41 - 43 57

Profile 43 - 44 58

Profile 18 - 19 33

Profile 21 - 23 37

Profile 35 - 37 51

Profile 34 - 35 49

Profile 29 - 31 45

Profile 30 - 31 45

Profile 30 - 32 46

Profile 32 - 33 47

Betty White (Deceased)
87 - 88 99

Profile 16 - 18 32

Profile N/A N/A

Profile 10 - 12 25