Oh Baby

Season 1 | Episode 10 - The Hut

Oct 27, 1998
Tracy refuses to abandon the fast track and change to the mommy track. No matter how hard she tries, her job duties seem to be way over her limits, so her boss hires an assistant to help her while she's pregnant. Charlotte warns her the so-called assistant will stop at nothing to take her job – much like Tracy did to the woman who had her job before her. The doctor advises her to slow down at work and she refuses to, and even her mother gives an example on how some African pregnant women are put into a safety ""hut"" until their babies are born. After a talk with her predecessor, Tracy realizes the ""mommies room"" might not be such a bad idea after all. And the best of all: her assistant tried to hard to top her that now she's becoming a mommy too, thanks to a night on the hut tub with NY executives.