Triumph in the Skies is a Hong Kong drama television series that premiered on TVB in 2003. The drama tells the lives of pilots working for the fictional Solar Airways based on Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific. It has been cited as one of TVB's best serial dramas, and there were rumours of a sequel to be made in 2006. However, it has been pushed back due to continuing negotiation with an airline to provide support. In May 2011, TVB announced that a sequel was in development, with filming beginning in the early months of 2012. The sequel, titled Triumph in the Skies II, aired on TVB Jade on 15 July 2013. Triumph in the Skies has been compared to the now-cancelled NBC series LAX. It sparked an interest in aviation when first aired amongst Hong Kong viewers, as well as an interest in a small doll named "Triangel" featured early on in the series. External photography took place on location in Japan, Italy, and Australia, with sequence shots at Parafield Airport in Adelaide being memorable for their in-depth depiction of flight training.
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