Hamtaro - Season 2 - Episodes (54)

Apr 13, 2003
A new and upcoming pop star name Glitter comes to Laura's school. She's having a concert in a local part and all of the girls are over her, but she's very snooty and seems only interested in Travis, trying to woo him with a backstage pass, although Travis seems like he couldn't care less. Glitter has a hamster named Sparkle and the ham-hams try to rescue her from danger and make her a part of their club, but she makes it clear that she couldn't care less about them, not that they seem to notice. Come the big concert, Glitter attempts to make her big move on Travis, but ends up finding that the only thing that moves is her superstar status - away from her.

Apr 13, 2003
A new soccer star named Roberto comes to Laura's school and quickly earns a reputation as a ""ball-hog."" He and Laura quickly come to be on bad terms when they bump into each other and he refers to Hamtaro as a ""rat."" When the ham-hams hear of Roberto's ""ball-hog"" ways, they set out to teach him a lesson, only to find that he's a tougher opponent than they thought. They also find out that he's a really nice guy, but seems to be acting tough. At another soccer game, Roberto acts huffy when he feels he isn't credited for winning the game, but a muttered comment suggests what he's really angry about.

Apr 13, 2003
The ham-hams are all gathered around Elder Ham. He's showing them how elastic he is because he's been stretching out his ""ham""-strings. At the same time, he's having sepia-toned flashbacks, not that the ham-hams know anything about this. After his little demonstration, they ask him what he called them there for. He called them all for a ham-conference for a reason, but he hasn't gotten to it. At first, he can't remember why he called them, or even that he called them at all. He soon remembers the reason. He wants their help spring-cleaning his second house. They're all surprised that he even has a second house. He shows them - it's inside the ground underneath a rock. The ham-hams all try to move the rock, but it won't budge. Then, Elder Ham opens it like a hatch. They head inside, but it's very filthy. They seem to be thinking of ditching out, particularly Howdy, but Elder Ham stops him before he can go anywhere. So they go down and are amazed. It's a cozy little place that Elder Ham

Apr 13, 2003
Laura and her parents are discussing Laura's principal, who is just returning from a trip around the world. He likes to travel a lot. He also is known to have huge eyebrows and he keeps a collection of weird plants, which he sometimes lends out to teachers. Laura thinks that he sounds kind of hairy. Hamtaro is listening in to the conversation and gets the idea that principal is ""a scary, flying teacher with itchy feet."" Laura's Dad had said he has itchy feet because he likes to travel a lot. Hamtaro heads to the clubhouse, where he tells the ham-hams that he's off to see the ""flying principal."" The ham-hams talk about the principal. Oxnard adds his input based on what he heard from Kana. They come up with all sorts of a crazy theories, such as that the principal is an alien, or a gigantic monster. They envision him roaming around, terrorizing the town, like something out of a Godzilla movie. They decide that they need to go to the school and check him out. At the school, Laura is rushi

Apr 14, 2003
Laura and Kana are walking home from school. They're discussing class, where their teacher, Mr. Yoshi, gave a surprise quiz. Laura is disappointed at how bad she did. She claims she's going to go and tell Mr. Yoshi that it's not fair to give surprise quizzes. As they walk along, they pass by Maria's house and stop to enjoy her beautiful piano playing. At home, Laura's parents are less than pleased with her quiz grade: a 35%. They tell her that until she can shape up her grades, she's not going to be able to get a CD player she wanted. Also, they're canceling a trip so that they can help her study. Laura storms off to her room, where she complains that she already told all of her friends she was going to get the CD player on Monday. As she continues to gripe, her Mom calls her for lunch. But she says she's not hungry and leaves the house to go over to Kana's. However, when she gets to Kana's, she finds that not only does Kana have a new CD player, but she's also leaving with her parents

Apr 15, 2003
Boss is outside, sitting on a swing. He fantasizes an image of Bijou in the sun and the image repeats an old line of Bijou's about Boss being like a brother to her. Boss is finding that hard to believe. He feels that she thinks that he's boring. It's very hot out and he decides to go and find someplace cool, but just then Auntie Viv shows up, filled with energy as usual. Boss can't believe how energetic she is on a hot day. She tells him that she's heading for the ocean. She talks about sand and big picnic baskets being romantic and this gives Boss an idea. Over at Laura's house, Laura and her family are planning a trip to the beach. Laura talks about how much better she is at swimming than she used to be. Kana's there and they invite her to come along. Kana suggests that it would be best to invite her Dad, as there's apparently going to be free food around. Hamtaro provides a funny image of him sneaking into the trunk, but says it would be best if he didn't, as the ham-hams are going

Apr 16, 2003
Laura and Kana are visiting at Mr. Yoshi's Mom's mountain home. She's been telling ghost stories and right now is telling a particularly frightening one, the unfortunate tale of Harry and Ernie. Harry and Ernie were a couple of bad kids who fought with each other over everything, even their hamsters. One day, Harry bet Ernie that he could let his hamster loose in the woods and find him again. It soon escalated into an all-out competition in which they let loose all the hamsters in the village. Harry and Ernie went into the woods to search for them, but something happened. They never returned to the village and all of the hamsters disappeared, except one. Laura, Kana and both Hamtaro and Oxnard are very frightened by the story, although they won't admit it. Just then, Mr. Yoshi arrives. He wonders what the girls are doing at his mother's and they explain that they had just helped her carry some groceries up the mountain. Mr. Yoshi's Mom says that she's repaying them for their kindness b

Apr 17, 2003
Kana and Laura are stopped in front of Maria's house, listening to her play a piece on the piano. (Which sounds suspiciously like background music used in past Hamtaro episodes.) However, they hear arguing inside. Inside, Maria's not in a good mood and seems to be having trouble focusing on her playing. She won a scholarship to a music school. However, she's worried that she's losing her gift for playing and that she doesn't deserve the scholarship. She's supposed to play a piece for the award presentation, but she's not sure she can do it. Outside, Laura wonders if there's something she can do to cheer her up. Meanwhile, at the ham-ham clubhouse, the ham-hams are struggling with the heat. Their fan is broken. Panda repairs it, but Boss complains, as he now has it spinning the opposite direction of the way it's supposed to. Things seem to be pretty tense with the ham-hams too and they decide that they need a vacation. Howdy protests that they don't need a vacation, they're ham-hams and

Apr 18, 2003
Laura and Kana are out walking. It's the end of summer and Laura can't believe that they have to back to school soon. It just so happens that they're walking by the school and they notice Mr. Yoshi tending to smoe plants. They ask him about it and he explains that even though school might not be in session, the plants still need to be taken care of. The ham-hams happen to be out and about too. They notice that Mr. Yoshi seems distracted and figure that he can't get the girl he likes, Charlotte, off his mind. This is confirmed when they hear him talking to himself about her. He says to himself that he should ask her out. He tries out a line on a bullfrog that happened to hop along. Just then, Charlotte walks by in the background, but Mr. Yoshi isn't looking that way and doesn't notice her. The ham-hams decide that they have to do something. They grab one of Mr. Yoshi's garden towels and make off with it, heading towards Charlotte. Laura and Kana see this and comment that the towel has a

Apr 21, 2003
The episode starts off with Laura, Kana, Kylie and Ethan, with the ham-hams Hamtaro, Oxnard, Pashmina and Penelope watching on. Ethan and Kylie are asking Laura about how she makes so many friends. Laura says that it's a secret that she can't reveal. Anyway, Ethan is new to the neighborhood and looking to make some friends. Kylie introduces him to her hamster, Penelope. She reminds him to treat him gently, as hamsters are real, live creatures. Ethan and Kylie seem to get along well and Ethan has a good time playing with Penelope. Inside Laura's, Ethan takes a nap. Penelope, however, goes up to him, still wanting to play with him. The other ham-hams can tell that Penelope likes Ethan a lot and suggest doing something to show the friendship. Hamtaro suggests throwing a party. Then, the rest of the ham-ham gang arrives, having just been tossed out of a play, ""Ham""let. They were doing all right, until Maxwell jumped up on stage. They're told about Penelope's dilemma and come to the conclus

Apr 22, 2003
Dexter and Howdy have never exactly been, well, the best of friends. But when their respective owners get into a big argument, they want to solve the problem and fast. Their owners have argued with each other before, but in the past they always made up within a few hours. This time, they've been arguing for days and it shows no signs of letting up. They're worried that if it keeps going, they could miss the upcoming hamster festival. That, and their concern for their owners is enough to convince the ham-hams that they need to do something to fix this situation. Hope comes when Dexter and Howdy talk about a certain photograph. It's apparently at both of their places and it features their owners, Curtis and Goldie, getting along nicely. The ham-hams decide that if they could just show the both of them that photo, they would be reminded of when they were friends and stop fighting. So they set out on their mission. On the way, they see Curtis and Goldie, who are arguing. They're in a petty

Apr 23, 2003
A traveling amusement park comes to town and Laura and Kana plan a trip with their younger cousin, Mimi. Sadly, Mimi finds herself not wanting to go when her parents are unable to take her due to the illness of her new baby sister, Tina. Laura and Kana still get to go and Hamtaro and Oxnard sneak along with them. When they return, they tell the ham-hams back at the clubhouse about their adventures. This makes Panda sad and angry because he knows that Mimi is upset about having missed out on the fun. The ham-hams hatch a plan to show Mimi a good time by inviting her to their Ham-Ham fun park.

Apr 24, 2003
Following the destruction of the Ham-Ham fun park, the ham-hams vow to rebuild it better than ever after Jingle tells them not to give up. He lets them ride his pig Herbert to the amusement park, where the rides give them inspiration to create new attractions for their fun park. They work hard on it, hoping to give Mimi an experience she'll never forget. Meanwhile, Kana's father tries to convince Mimi's father to take her to the amusement park while it's still in town, but pent-up childhood hostilities lead to immature fighting between the two.

Apr 25, 2003
It's a beautiful morning and Mr. Yoshi is out for a walk. The hamsters are outside too and they enjoy the beautiful sunrise along with Mr. Yoshi. Then, Laura and Kana come along. As they arrive, a bird flies in and lands on Mr. Yoshi's head! It turns out it's Charlotte's bird and it's delivering a note: Charlotte wants Mr. Yoshi to come with her to the zoo today and bring Kana and Laura along with him. Mr. Yoshi's excited at the chance to go on a date with her. He gets ready by packing a whole bunch of stuff, perhaps more than his needed. Meanwhile, the Ham-hams try to think of ways to help out and also discuss what a date is. It would seem that Boss is the only one of them who's ever been a date. They get the idea that a ""date"" is just two or more people spending time together. On the way to the zoo, Mr. Yoshi begins to wonder what he's really doing at the zoo that day. Charlotte has him in the back of the car with the pigs. Then, when they get to the zoo, Charlotte sort of takes char

Apr 28, 2003
Laura's Dad, Mr. Haruna is going to his old friend Gabriel's mansion and taking Laura and Kana with him. Laura and Kana are bringing Hamtaro and Oxnard and, although the don't know it, the rest of the ham-ham gang is tagging along as well. Mr. Haruna's friend, Gabriel Black, is well known for his scary tricks he likes to play on people. When they arrive at his mansion, they knock at the door, but get no answer. They decide to go in, thinking that he might be out back. When they open the door, they see an apparition of a ghostly skeleton. They're all scared for a bit, but then Laura realizes that something is odd. She flips on a light and finds that Gabriel is controlling the strings of the ""skeleton."" Gabriel welcomes them all and they have a little meet-and-greet session in which Gabriel meets Hamtaro and Oxnard and also shows off some of the books that he's written. (He's a popular author.) Not long afterwards, Gabriel leaves, saying that he has to go get something to eat or somethin

Apr 29, 2003
Fortune-telling - it's Kana's newest craze! She has some tarot cards and has gotten Laura into it and even her hamster Oxnard. Laura and Kana are both sporting new skirts. They're red and yellow - their lucky colors respectively as predicted by Kana. As they head outside for school, they meet up with a police officer who's walking by. He compliments them on the skirts and Laura doesn't recognize him at first, but Kana identifies him as the officer who gave a safety demonstration at their school a week ago. They talk to him about fortune-telling. Back inside the house, Oxnard talks with the hamsters about the fortune-telling. He's learned some things about it and it's not long before they're all clamoring for him to read their fortune. Well, the girls, that is. Boss thinks that the fortune-telling thing is just nonsense and he manages to get the guys on his side, at least for a while. Bijou, however, isn't with the rest of the ham-hams. She's out at the park, when she sees a kid tending

Apr 30, 2003
It's another visit to Dylan's farm - but this time, there's a special surprise involved! On the way to the farm, Hamtaro helpfully voiceovers that the ham-ham gang has snuck in the car and is along for the ride. Laura insists that Kana tell her what the special surprise is. So Kana does: one of Dylan's goats, Daisy, is having a kid. (It's explained that a ""kid"" is a baby goat, for those that don't know.) As they talk about this, the ham-hams are talking about lunch, specifically the fact that they forgot to bring any. Bijou says taht her ham-ham intituition says that Pepper has probably made lunch for them all, particularly Oxnard. The gang arrives at the farm, where Dylan informs everyone that Daisy has not yet had her kid. But, as we can see, she's very pregnant and he expects that she's going to give birth soon. Daisy, having been cooped up in a pen for over four months, doesn't seem to be very happy. Dylan decides to let Daisy be for right now and have Kana and Laura milk some joke

May 1, 2003
Laura and Kana are out walking when they come across Maria. She has Bijou in her carrying. But it seems Bijou is sick - she keeps sneezing like crazy. Maria says that she's going to take her to the vet. They talk about this. Neither Hamtaro or Oxnard have ever needed to go to the vet before? Perhaps they should both have checkups? Laura and Kana decide to go with Maria. They'll ask about it while they're there. The ham-hams are watching the whole time. They hope that Bijou would be all right. Then, the scene changes to the clubhouse, where Boss is giving Oxnard the third degree. He told Boss about Bijou's going to the vet and Boss somehow got the idea that he was responsible. It takes the entire ham-ham gang to calm him down and tell him that it's not Oxnard's fault. Then, they talk about the vet. But this only scares boss even more, when they start talking about medicine and needles. Seeing that they've spooked him, they try to convince him that the vet is only going to heal, Bijou, b

May 2, 2003
The ham-hams are in a forest, playing a game of hide-and-seek. Hamtaro is ""it,"" so he has to search for the other hams. He finishes his counting, even giving them a little time and then starts searching. He looks around some, considers things and then goes over and finds both Pashmina and Penelope hiding behind a bush. They're both surprised that he found them so quickly. Then, Boss yells out and comes out of his hiding place. The ham-hams scold him for interrupting the game. Boss calls out Hamtaro, saying that he must be cheating. There's no way he could have found Pashmina and Penelope so quickly! But Hamtaro gives him a perfectly good reason: Pashmina's pink scarf was sticking out. All he had to do was spot it and he found Pashmina. Boss considers this and decides that it's reasonable. He apologizes for saying Hamtaro cheated. Pashmina asks Penelope why he didn't tell her it was sticking out. But all Penelope can do is say ""Ookwee!"" It's suggested to Pashmina that she just take her

May 5, 2003
It's Labor Day and to show Laura's Mom that they appreciate all of her hard work, Laura and her Dad are helping out around the house. They're doing chores such as vacuuming and other cleaning and later, they're going to make her a special dinner. Speaking of vacuuming, Hamtaro's a little close - to the vacuum. He nearly gets sucked in, but Mom notices and swoops in and picks him up. Laura thanks her, calling her a nice save. She tells her that she needs to leave though, as they really want her to just relax. Hamtaro notes that he isn't working either, but he wishes that he could do something, since Laura's Mom is always so helpful to him. Laura and Laura's Dad discuss the things that they're doing for her. Laura says that he forgot to get flowers. Hamtaro goes into the living room, where he sees Laura's Mom, sitting in front of a window. He notices that she seems to be happily watching the falling leaves. She comments that she hasn't feeled this relaxed since ""that day."" Hamtaro notice

May 6, 2003
Laura, Kana, Kylie and a couple of others are outside before school. Kylie wants to tell them something, but she's having a bit of trouble saying it. She finally blurts it out: it's ""this boy."" She likes him and wants to talk to him, but she doesn't even know his name. The girls all encourage her to go for it. Meanwhile, Penelope is out walking, probably to meet up with the other ham-hams. As she walks along, Jingle's pig, Herbert, goes rushing past. He knocks Penelope into some kind of gutter. Penelope is very upset. She tries to get out, but she seems to be trapped. She cries out, but it seems like no one is going to help her. Then, Herbert returns. He rescues her from the gutter. Penelope gets a ride on Hamtaro and seems to have made a new friend. Meanwhile, the gang is in a forest, talking with Jingle. As they talk, Herbert comes rushing in, with Penlope riding on him. Everybody notices how Penelope seems to have made friends with Herbert. Jingle, however, doesn't seem to be too fo

May 7, 2003
Laura and Kana are at an ice skating rink. It's kind of a remote location, but Laura likes that because she's not very good at ice-skating yet. The ham-hams are there too, although Laura doesn't know that, not even about Hamtaro being there. They're sort of sliding around the ice having a good time. Laura falls. Mr. Yoshi sees Laura's attempts at ice skating. He offers to teach her how to skate. He says that all she has to do is watch her. Since they're close by his Mom, he suggests coming to her house when they're done. She can tell them another of her ghost stories. When they suggest that she doesn't have to do that because it might be too much trouble, Mr. Yoshi acts like some kind of scary vampire or something and says that it's her favorite pasttime. So they go to Mr. Yoshi's Mom's house. The ham-hams follow too, but they trail behind because it's a snowy path and they're not sure exactly where they're going. At the house, Mr. Yoshi's Mom tells them a scary tale about an abominabl

May 8, 2003
Laura and Hamtaro are watching TV when Glitter, with her hamster Sparkle, appear on the screen. They're going to be in a new movie. Laura thinks that it would be fun in a movie. One thing that she does know: she's totally wiped out. She falls asleep and Hamtaro do too. They both go into a combined dream sequence. In the dream sequence, Laura, Hamtaro and the main ham-ham gang are in the play. Maxwell introduces the play, with Laura as the star. Elder Ham is directing the play. As usual, he's sleeping. Howdy wakes him up to give some ""profound words."" He screams out a little and then goes back to sleep. Glitter and Sparkle are the villains of the film. Glitter is ruling over the kingdom of ""Ham-Land."" She declares that she's dissolved all the unions and Sparkle cackles that there will be no more challenges to their power. The ham-hams all sing the ""we are going home together song."" Then, they realize that Glitter doesn't like singing. So maybe they'd better stop. Elder Ham, meanwhile, i

May 9, 2003
Laura and Kana are out shopping. Laura complains that Christmas shopping is ""such a blur."" Of course, her real dilemma is what to buy for Travis. She's worried that if she even buys him anything, he's going to think that she has a crush on him. (Because there's no way he could have any idea of that based on past experience. Not a chance.) Hamtaro is over at Elder Ham's house. He's shocked when Elder Ham tells him that Santa wants him to dress up as Santa Claus this year and deliver presents. Elder Ham tells him that Santa is busy - he wants to build a new sunroof to prepare for global warming. Hamtaro is reluctant about accepting the assignment. Elder Ham guilts him into it, asking him to imagine Christmas morning without any presents. He emphasizes the need for secrecy - that Hamtaro can't tell anyone what he's doing. The ham-hams are out and about. They find Hamtaro and wonder where he was. When they mention Christmas, he hastily answers that he doesn't know anything about Christmas,

May 12, 2003
Mr. Yoshi has given an assignment. He wants the class to read a novel and then write an essay about it. Kana can't believe it and laments that comic books probably don't count. Laura says that she's going to read something ""adult,"" as she's going to be a teenager soon and needs to be more mature. The ham-hams are playing a game. It's a bandits/detectives type game. The female ham-hams are upset because the boys told them that they couldn't play. They said that bandits have always been men in the past. Then, Snoozer rattles off a huge list of famous female warriors. The girls demand that they be allowed in on the game. At the library, Laura tries to read her book. But there are so many words that she doesn't understand that she has to check a dictionary every five minutes. She falls asleep and goes into a dream sequence. In the dream seqquence, Hamtaro finds himself in seventeenth-century France. He's chasing a band of female bandits who are after the famous ""sunflower star jewel."" Boss

May 13, 2003
The ham-hams open the episode with a new year's greeting. They want to welcome everyone to a great new year of episodes. Hamtaro says that the ham-hams are going to have a great new batch of adventures. Howdy cracks a bad joke (what other kind?) about hot dogs and suntanning. Dexter says that Hamtaro should say something special to bring in the new year. But Hamtaro is completely speechless. At Laura's house, Kana's family is visting for the new year. Kana and Laura's fathers fight over taking their daughter's pictures. The girls play a Japanese verison of badminton. Their fathers, always looking for ways to compete, take over and start a fierce match with each other. Kana's Dad suggesting something less strenous (for Forest's sake -right!) He claims he was really good at kite-flying when he was in school. The ham-hams like the kite-flying idea. Howdy and Oxnard take the idea back to the clubhouse. They tell them all about it. Dexter makes a quip about Howdy having been told to ""go fly

May 14, 2003
Mr. Yoshi has finally gotten up the nerve to propose to Charlotte, but it won't be happening if Chairman Rooster has anything to say about. He pulls out all the stops to try and stop Mr. Yoshi's plan for a magnificent sunset proposal. Not only that, but cloudy skies threaten to keep there from being any sunset at all. When the ham-hams learn of Mr. Yoshi's plan, they try to help in whatever ways they can. That includes anything from trying to change the weather to facing Chairman Rooster's attack chickens.

May 15, 2003
Laura is excited, as her friend Claire, her best friend from her old neighborhood, is coming to visit. Laura's Mom, however, is a bit worried. Claire's just sort of showing up and she didn't say that she was coming or anything. She wonders if there's something wrong. But Laura figures that Claire just wanted to surprise her. As Laura leaves for the train station, Hamtaro leaves to meet his ham-ham pals. They were going to play today, but he was running a bit late. When he gets to meet them, he finds that they've already started the game. It's hide-and-seek, so they make him be ""it."" Hamtaro counts and has them all hide. Penelope tries to hide in Boss's place, but Boss sends her away, so she hides with Pashmina. But then Hamtaro tricks everyone! He gets them all out of hiding with the prospect of a sunflower seed. Dexter gripes that it takes the game to a whole new level. They can't all be it, so they decide to play ""rock-paper-scissors."" The only thing is, Cappy is still in hiding. He

May 16, 2003
Kana is doing her fortune-telling again. She reads Laura's cards and says that she's going to predict Laura's husband. That doesn't exactly happen, but she does make a different prediction: that Laura's pet is going to play matchmaker for her. Laura says that she couldn't possibly imagine Hamtaro helping her with Travis. Meanwhile, at the clubhouse, Oxnard is also doing the fortune-telling, which Boss mocks out loud as just being hogwash. Oxnard reads Pashmina's fortune, predicting her future husband. Howdy and Dexter are all excited, until Oxnard says that her future husband is ""nobody in this room."" He suggests that for right now, she should just concentrate on friends. Boss secretly heads over to Oxnard. He wants Oxnard to tell his fortune - but he also wants him to keep his voice down because it's not like he believes in this stuff or anything. Oxnard reads his cards and says that he will have an unexpected encounter with someone he likes. Oxnard's prediction comes true, when Bijou

May 19, 2003
It's Valentine's Day and Laura is getting ready for school. She has two boxes, one with chocolates to give to Travis and one with candy to give to her Dad. Hamtaro is russling around the various red ribbons and quips that he hates all the ""red tape."" Laura's Mom calls up and warns her that she's going to be late for school. Laura, leaves, with the box that she thinks is the chocolates. But Hamtaro heard: Laura said that the box with the chocolates has a red ribbon. The one that she left with is blue! That means that she's taken her Dad's candy with her! He's got to find some way to switch the boxes. He leaves the house and finds Oxnard, who agrees to help him with the switch. At the clubhouse, Boss, Howdy and Dexter are busy romancing Bijou, Pashmina and Penelope. They're all very suspicious of why the guys are being so nice to them, until Boss accidentally blurts out that it's Valentine's Day. Stan comes and warns the guys that putting on a show for just one day won't get more present

May 20, 2003
There's a soccer game at Laura's school. As usual, Roberto is being a big star. But his being a big star is at the expense of the team. The ham-hams are watching and Boss and Dexter note that Roberto has improved his skills, thanks to all his practice. On the field, Travis calls for Roberto to pass the ball, but Roberto won't. Roberto is called out and told that he needs to pass the ball more often. Laura calls out that no one should care. They don't need him anyway. Roberto gets mad and says that he's quitting the team. He leaves. The team members are worried, as Roberto may be a ball hog, but he's also their main offensive player and they have some big games coming. The ham-hams too are playing soccer. And, like Roberto, Boss is becoming a ball-hog. The ham-hams tell him this and Boss says that he understands how Roberto feels: that it's ""lonely being at the top."" This aside, the ham-hams agree that they have to do something to get Roberto back on the team. Meanwhile, sometime that d

May 21, 2003
Hamtaro is at the clubhouse, taking part in a bit of a tea party. He leaves hurriedly, as he remembered that Laura's grandfather, the famous inventor, is coming over for a visit. He has to be there when he comes. Hamtaro arrives just as Laura's grandfather shows up and manages to make it up the drainpipe and into his cage in time. Grandpa, as usual, has some wacky gifts. For example, he gives Laura's Mom a scale that takes off five pounds - it calculates a person's weight and then subtracts five pounds from it! But the big deal is what he gives Laura - ""Robo-Joe."" Robo-Joe is talking electronic hamster who learns by imitation - he basically just copies what he sees other hamsters do. Laura calls him ""incredible."" Laura introduces Robo-Joe to Hamtaro, who remembers Laura's grandpa quite well. She leaves the two alone to ""play."" Hamtaro tries to help Robo-Joe up the stairs. But Robo-Joe can't seem to grasp how to climb them. Then, he goes completely haywire and heads outside. Hamtaro fol

May 22, 2003
Maria holds a birthday party and the ham-hams tag along. The ham-hams are worried that the party may be ruined when they accidentally knock down Maria's doll collection after being chased by her new puppy, Princess. Fortunately, the ham-hams manage to get the undamaged dolls back in place, while Boss distracts Princess's attention.

May 23, 2003
Laura's in her room, complaining about her score on her math test. (a fairly simple decimal multiplication test, with problems all of the same type) She only get 10% on it, but she could have gotten much higher, it's just that she accidentally skipped a problem and wrote the correct answers in the wrong places. Her Mom calls up to her and she realizes that she's supposed to be doing something with Kana today. She folds the test paper in her jacket pocket so her Mom doesn't see it. Hamtaro's there and kind of figures out what's going on. She heads downstairs and meets up with Kana, who's excited about getting 100% on the test. Laura's Mom asks what Laura got on the test. Laura lies that she got a 100% too and leaves. Outside, Kana asks if it's true and Laura tells her the real deal. Kana thinks that maybe Laura should tell the truth, but Laura's not so sure, especially considering how excited her Mom was. She'll just have to hope that she never asks to actually see the test. In the mean

May 27, 2003
It's morning. A very cold, wintry weekend morning. Laura just wants to sleep in, but her Mom has other ideas. She comes into Laura's room and opens the window, sending a blast of chilly air into the room. This annoys Laura, but also has the effect Laura's Mom intended: it gets Laura up. Everyone agrees that it's really cold and they can't wait for spring to come. Laura's Dad suggests a trip to Shimmer Lake. It may be cold where they are, but it's supposed to be getting warm already at Shimmer Lake. Laura's not sure, as she was supposed to go treasure hunting with Kana today. Laura's Dad suggests that Kana come along - they can go treasure hunting at Shimmer Lake! Hamtaro likes the idea of the search for spring and Shimmer Lake as well. He goes out to meet up with the ham-hams. The ham-hams are getting tired of the cold too and think maybe the search for spring is worth a shot. Maxwell interjects, saying that spring is just a season that comes around every year, not something to be foun

May 28, 2003
When Laura says that she wished upon a star and her wish came true: that she got Hamtaro, Hamtaro is led to believe that he comes from outer space. His fears seem to be confirmed when Oxnard is apparently beamed up by a spaceship, but is there a more rational explanation for what happened?

May 29, 2003
Laura and family are heading to the bus station and Hamtaro is tagging along. (It's an official ""tagalong,"" Laura took him with her, he didn't sneak aboard.) Laura's Mom is going on a trip. Laura and her Dad assure her not to worry: she and Dad will take care of the cooking and cleaning while she's away. She playfully tells Hamtaro to stay out of the garden. It's a particularly nice, clear, day and Boss catches Bijou sitting alone in a field. He thinks that it's his chance to tell Bijou how he ""really feels."" He comes up to her with a flower, which he tries to present to her, but he freezes up and starts stammering. Then, Hamtaro comes and sees the both of them. He gives Bijou a couple of flowers he just picked that are exactly like the one Boss has. Boss gets irritated and walks away. The camera changes to Sabu, who's been watching this. He wonders what's wrong with Boss. Boss chastises himself for blowing his one chance to show his feelings for Bijou. Later on, the ham-ham gang are a

May 30, 2003
It's another beautiful day, when the cherry blossoms are out in bloom. Laura and her Mom are preparing a nice picnic. They want Dad to come, but he ditches out, saying that he has to go to work. This disappoints Laura and her Mom, who were really looking forward to him coming. Now they're going to end up having leftovers. Fortunately, Kana and her Mom are joining them. But Kana's Dad won't be there either. Hamtaro laments that the Moms and daughters must be angry that the Dads aren't into flowers. Laura takes Brandy along, but Hamtaro's not coming, at least not officially. Unofficially, he is coming and so is Oxnard. Hamtaro tells Brandy that he'll meet him there, but to not tell Laura. At the park, the other ham-hams are waiting for Hamtaro and Oxnard. They're a bit anxious and want to get going and see the cherry blossoms. They decide to wait for Hamtaro and Oxnard anyway and so finally they show up. In the meantime, Auntie Viv is heading their way too. She's carrying a big load of s

Jun 2, 2003
Dexter is out in front of the eyeglass store, apparently heading for the clubhouse. Then, he notices a ham-ham that appears to stuck in a hole in a fence. He rescues her from the hole, then complains about her heaviness when she ends up on top of him. Howdy comes along and it turns out that he knows Hannah. He's invited Hannah over to the clubhouse and is upset by Dexter's calling her ""heavy."" Dexter quickly amends that she's ""just perfect."" Howdy and Dexter head to the clubhouse with Hannah. Hamtaro arrives at the clubhouse just in time for Howdy's introductions. Hannah is a southern ham and he and her have been friends for a while now. Hamtaro says that he just hopes that Hannah doesn't have Howdy's sense of humor. Later, while the ham-hams are outside trying to play with Hannah, Hannah pulls Howdy aside. She wants Howdy to find out if Dexter has any sort of affection for her. She finds him ""sophisticated"" and thinks that he has ""gerbil eyes,"" which she finds appealing. So Howdy trie

Jun 3, 2003
It's time for Brandy's annual shots. However, as Laura expected, Brandy is trying to hide because he doesn't want to go to the vet. She talks about the veterinarian, Doctor Lion and what a great veterinarian he is. Hamtaro is listening in and he thinks this ""Doctor Lion"" sounds scary. He fantasizes a vicious lion. He's rather scared when he hears Laura say that she's planning to take him in for a checkup as well. Nevertheless, both Brandy and Hamtaro both go to the vet. Kana and Maria are coming along too, bringing Oxnard and Bijou. When they get there, they find that Charlotte's there. Mr. Yoshi's tagged along too. Charlotte's there because she thinks that since she plans to be a veterinarian, watching Doctor Lion do his work will be good training. Doctor Lion gives a series of dogs their annual shots. Then, it comes time for Brandy. But Brandy runs off, scared. Doctor Lion, however, calms Brandy down with the antics of his assistant monkey, Pepe. While Pepe distracts Brandy, Doctor L

Jun 4, 2003
Laura, her Mom and her Dad are watching one of those cooking shows of the type that have become so popular on television these days. Laura is impressed by the chef's apparent skills, perhaps too impressed. Hearing Laura gush over this chef, her Dad declares that he can cook well too. He says that tomorrow he's making dinner and he'll show her who's a good cook. The next morning, Oxnard is heading towards the clubhouse. He has a large bunch of sunflower seeds, but is beginning to wish he didn't. He bought a huge amount in bulk and they're beginning difficult to carry. He loses his balance and some of the seeds go flying through the air. Fortunately for him, they land in the pan of a ham-ham he's never seen before. This ham is a chef of some sort and decides to make a meal out of them. He compliments the quality of the seeds and Oxnard explains that they're organically grown, without any preservatives. Chef Ham quickly makes them into a great meal, which Oxnard loves. Oxnard calls him ""f

Jun 5, 2003
Laura is out an about, admiring some flying windsocks in the shape of fish, hanging from a pole. She's talking to Hamtaro about them: she really likes them and wants to hang one up herself, but her Mom doesn't like them and won't let her do it. Laura heads home and tries to convince her Mom. She uses the ""everyone is doing it"" strategy, but it doesn't work. Her Mom tells her that she won't have any fish flying from their home's rafters and that's the end of the story. Laura tries to argue some more, but just then the doorbell rings. Laura goes to get the door, as they expect it's Grandpa and Grandma coming for a visit. Indeed, they have, but Grandpa has gotten a little well, taller. Actually, a lot taller. It's just another of his inventions though, ""spring pants."" Grandma comes out, she was hiding behind Grandpa. Hamtaro comments that Laura's Grandpa's inventions are getting weirder all the time. Grandpa heads inside, where he talks about the flying fish with Laura. He says that he al

Jun 6, 2003
Laura and her class are getting ready for a hike. They're heading up Chick-Ah Chick-Ah mountain. Mr. Yoshi is taking them and he has a new toy: a video camera. Laura comments that he's so obsessed with it, he never puts it down. Travis, however, manages to get it away from Mr. Yoshi long enough to film him. He tells the class to say ""cheese."" Hamtaro takes the news to the clubhouse and suggests that they try to climb the mountain too. The ham-hams have several objections, among them being that it's a very long way to climb and that they ""don't got no survival skills."" (This is Howdy's objection and no one bothers to correct his bad grammar either.) It's suggested that they use landmarks, leading Howdy to wonder what landmarks are and if they could be dangerous. Panda takes the moment to announce that he's made a ham-ham train. He made alterations to the locomotive at the Ham-Ham Fun Park and now they can take it anywhere they want. He calls it the Ham-Ham Express. The first question is

Jun 9, 2003
Kylie, Kana and June have a problem. Their shoes, or at least some of them have gone missing. Laura doesn't seem to be affected though, she hasn't lost any shoes, at least, not yet. It's an odd problem, but nobody really seems to know who could be behind it. There are some ideas flying though: perhaps maybe Roberto? He's been going home early a lot lately. Laura arrives home and finds Hamtaro sleeping. He wakes up and is ready and raring to go. She asks him if he was a good boy, but he doesn't seem to be interested in chatter, he just wants to play. Then, Laura finds that one of her shoes has gone missing too. Hamtaro takes the problem to the clubhouse. The ham-hams agree that they should try and do something to solve the problem. Oxnard's certainly interested, since Kana is one of those who lost a shoe and he ""hates callouses"" and Penelope and Pashmina want to track the thief down for Kylie and Junes' sake. Hamtaro says they'll search for clues at every house that's missing a shoe. In

Jun 10, 2003
It all opens with shots of Laura and Kana's faces. They're angry faces. Very angry faces. Something has happened between them and they're really mad at each other. Laura arrives at her house where she announces to Hamtaro that Kana accused her of breaking a promise, right to her face. Hamtaro's sleepy, apparently he overslept. But he's awake enough to realize something is very wrong. As Laura heads downstairs, Oxnard comes in and says that Laura and Kanas' friendship is over. Hamtaro wonders what's going on and what they could possibly be fighting about. The two decide to head over to Kana's house, where they find her in the same sad state as Laura. She basically just plopped down on her bed, without even taking off her backpack. She states unhappily that she just lost her best friend. Hamtaro thinks that it must just be a misunderstanding. He can't imagine Laura purposely doing something to hurt Kana. Then, the two begin to worry that if they don't do something about this, it could sp

Jun 11, 2003
This episode starts out with a bang. Mimi's family forgot to change their clocks for Daylight Savings Time and so Mimi's Father is running late for work. He's all in a panic and Mimi's Mom suggest that he settle down, or else he might choke on his granola. As he heads out, she suggests that he should be an actor, as he loves drama. The topic among the family turns to his birthday, which they figure he's probably forgotten is coming up, once again. Mimi's brothers think they have a great present and tell Mimi that she's running out of time to think of a present. The scene changes to Kana and Laura, who are talking about Mimi. Kana mentions that last year Mimi chipped in on a present with the help of her brothers, but this year she wants to come up with something all by herself. Laura and Kana reflect back on the very first presents they ever gave their Dads. Laura's was a paper crayon and Kana's was a fly for fishing. The fly didn't exactly work out, but she still managed to make someth

Jun 12, 2003
It's the day of Charlotte and Mr. Yoshi's big wedding - but the bride isn't in attendance! She's still at home, hoping to obtain the blessing of her stubborn father, Mr. Yoshi. The ham-hams do their best to help, with Hamtaro ending up playing the role of Cupid. There's a mad scramble as Chairman Rooster gives his all to try to stop the ceremony - but can he really put a stop to true love?

Jun 13, 2003
Father's Day is coming and Laura thinks that this Father's Day is going to be the best one ever. She and her Mom are talking about how much time Dad has been spending at work lately. Just then, Dad comes in. They're hoping to spend some time with him. He says that he's tired, but can't stick around, as he has to get going back to work. He talks about corporate restructuring and how what's happening at his company is great, but the hours are long. He leaves and Laura's Mom complains that they're working him to a ""frazzle."" She says it isn't fair. Hamtaro takes the problem to the clubhouse. He thinks that if the ham-hams pitch in to help Laura's Dad, he could finish his work faster. Howdy's not really sure what work is and Dexter says that it's what humans do to buy groceries. Maxwell says that he'll do some research on work. Hamtaro tells the ham-hams to get a good sleep because they're going to work tomorrow. The next day, the ham-hams are all wondering where to go. There are so many b

Jun 23, 2003
It's morning and Hamtaro is in for a rude awakening! Laura shakes his cage and tells him to hold on - there's an earthquake! Then, she reveals the truth - there wasn't really an earthquake, she was just shaking his cage. She explains to Hamtaro that at school they're having a fire and earthquake drill and so she figures they should practice at home. Hamtaro's a bit confused, as he doesn't understand the concept of a ""fire drill"" and so he comments that he thought kids were supposed to stay away from fire and drills. He gets to thinking that a fire drill is a drill that shoots fire, which you can use when there's an earthquake. He heads to the clubhouse to talk about it. There's some more discussion about what it could possibly be, before Maxwell finally explains it. Boss snippily asks him if he found the definition in one of his books. Maxwell says that it's important to be prepared in an emergency, so that you don't panic when one happens. Hamtaro thinks this is all interesting, altho

Jun 24, 2003
On a rainy day, the ham-hams slip into a fantasy adventure similar to a story that Laura's been reading to Hamtaro. Boss and his guards are working under Sparkle, who is at rage at the beauty of Princess Bijou and wants to take her place as princess. They realize that Sparkle is just jealous and soon team up with Sheriff Hamtaro to defeat her evil plans to depose of Princess Bijou. It's not aeasy, as Sparkle has weaponry such as lasers at the ready, but there are rewards at hand for those following the right path.

Jun 25, 2003
Laura and her class are studying the star constellations at school, and have a field trip planned to study the Milky Way under the real night sky. Laura and Kana are all excited because they will have plenty of stars to wish on. Kana says jokingly to Laura that if you wish on a star at the same time as someone else, the two of you will fall in love. Laura, half believing, sets her mind on standing by Travis when her class goes to see the stars so that they can make a wish on a star together. Hamtaro is confused about this Milky stuff in the sky, reports to the Ham-Hams that Laura is about to go way far away to make a wish on a star with Travis. At all costs, the Ham-Hams set out to keep Travis away from Laura so that she cannot go with him to wish on a star. But to Laura's eyes, it looks like Roberto is trying to keep her from being with Travis. Luckily, the good-natured Roberto is up for proving his good intentions to Laura, and on the night of the field trip, the sky is alive with st

Aug 31, 2003
Join the ham-hams for a special two part birthday episode! In the first part, a special episode called ""Ham-Hams Ahoy,"" the ham-hams meet a hamster named Heidi while Laura is away at summer camp. Heidi is searching for a special treasure to help out her ailing grandmother, guided only by the words of a special song that her grandmother taught to her. The ham-hams join her on her search, which ctakes them to Razzle Dazzle Beach and then to Hamasea Island. They face a number of difficult trials along the way, but they're determined to stick together as a team and help Heidi find the treasure she seeks. In the second part, the ham-hams throw a giant birthday party for Hamtaro and Cappy and you're invited! Watch and listen to some great musical numbers, followed by the big birthday bash, ""Happy Ham-Ham Birthday."" Then, stick around for a birthday role-call of all of the main ham-hams.

Oct 21, 2003
When Hamtaro hears that Laura and Kana are attending a Halloween party at Roberto's, he thinks that it's a ""Hamoween"" party. He tells the ham-hams all about and finds about Halloween, although none of the ham-hams are too sure of the details of it. Then Elder Ham and Auntie Viv give them some advice and Cappy and Panda make costumes for all of the ham-hams. After receiving a mysterious invitation, they head into a forest, where they find themselves at the mercy of Auntie Viv and Elder Ham, who have dressed up in scary costumes to terrorize them. Meanwhile, Kana and Laura create their costumes in a hurry and also decide to dress up Brandy. When they arrive late for the party, Roberto plays a trick on them by dressing up his puppy Samba as goblin. This gives them a scare, but Brandy's costume is even scarier to Brandy and Samba ends up running into the same forest where the ham-hams are and creating an even bigger stir than Auntie Viv and Elder Ham.

Aug 21, 2004
""The Ham-Ham Games"" Prince Bo sends the ham-hams on an important mission: to carry the ever-lasting hamtorch to Hamcropolis. His fans, the Rainbow Girls, become jealous and try to steal away the torch, not knowing that Prince Bo had another important job for them. The ham-hams get help from friends new and old as they try to make their way to Hamcropolis while avoiding the pesky flying Rainbow Girls. Along the way, Hamtaro shares both the flame and the spirit of friendship. ""The Ham-Hams Rescue Stan"" The remainder of the special consists an edited version of ""Clubhouse Intruders"" in which the ham-hams must rescue Stan after he skips an earthquake drill and ends up trapped inside the clubhouse with hostile chicky-chickies. All content involving the human characters is removed.