Survivorman - Season 8 (4)

May 5, 2014
Les and his 16-year-old son Logan find themselves trapped without supplies and without a way home while sea kayaking along the coastline of British Columbia. Staying hydrated, fed and warm takes on a whole new meaning with Logan by his side. Lack of food, unsafe water and inclement weather can wreck havoc on the body – let alone one’s mood. Logan’s better at video games than survival and better at hockey than starting a fire. Distraction can cause mistakes…and mistakes can be very costly.

May 12, 2014
Les and Logan set out for a father/son fishing trip in a tin boat. Stranded after their motor dies, Les and Logan are quickly plunged into an intense survival situation that could happen to any summer cottager. This father/son team must work together to stay hydrated, secure food, make shelter and flag down a rescue plane. Les gets creative using bug spray as a fire-starter. Father/son dynamics effect his decision-making.

Jun 19, 2016
Les and Logan go on a guided expedition into the Ecuadorian jungle.

Dec 13, 2016
Les returns to Mongolia a year after surviving a near-fatal car crash with his son Logan, a recent cancer-survivor.