Studio One - Season 9 (47)

Oct 15, 1956
When a man thumbs a ride and gets into an argument with the driver, he receives a 90-day jail sentence, but to his surprise, he is offered a job as counterman in a diner near the jail while serving his term, according to the ""open door"" policy of the prison.

Oct 29, 1956
A group of settlers on their way to Oregon stop for the night on a Western prairie. As the Indian tom-toms beat, tension in the small camp mounts, until finally the Indians themselves appear to demand justice.

Nov 12, 1956
This episode depicts the story of Sister Mary Aquinas, who was the first nun ever to become a licensed aeroplane pilot.

Feb 25, 1957
A young criminal attorney and his firm-owning father defend a 19 year-old on trial for a murder that he swears he did not commit. Personal conflicts arise with the attorney and his father while the prosecution puts on a dramatic and convincing argument of guilt.

Mar 4, 1957
A young criminal attorney and his firm-owning father defend a 19 year-old on trial for a murder that he swears he did not commit. Personal conflicts arise with the attorney and his father while the prosecution puts on a dramatic and convincing argument of guilt.

Mar 11, 1957
Nurse Jean Horst, who works in a retarded children's home, is drawn to Reuben Widdicomb, a little boy whose mother hasn't come to visit him.

Mar 18, 1957
During World War II, a Jewish American soldier questions his heritage when he is thrown in a German prison camp and learns that the Jewish GI's are to be put into a separate camp.

Apr 1, 1957
A boy gets a date with the lovely girl who is visiting her relatives next door.

Apr 22, 1957
Georgette and her little daughter arrive in a small Texas town to meet her husband, Henry, who has recently been released from prison. Georgette married Henry while he was a struggling singer, but soon after their marriage he was sent to prison for a 6-year term. Weak in character, Henry is now trying to make another start and is working as a gardener for one of the town's most trusting characters. But a new person enters Georgette's life, Slim Breedlove, a pleasant young man who offers to help her find her husband.

Apr 29, 1957
A story about the outlawed Irish Republican Army

May 6, 1957
A small-town postmistress, whose hopes are high when she makes her annual trip to the big city for a 3-day convention of Postal Employees, meets a middle-aged salesman and tries to encourage the acquaintanceship.

Jun 17, 1957
Set in a small ranch town that is suffering from drought, townspeople gather to pray for rain in the schoolhouse. There is a knock at the door and a man dressed all in white greets everyone by name. He says that his name is Mr. White and that he has been sent to help them find a well. Then another knock at the door reveals a man dressed all in black, who claims that his name is Mr. Black and that he is an angel of the Lord sent to help them also. Not knowing which man to trust, the dilemma is resolved by a ""staring match"" between the two men. In the end, the angel is revealed and water is discovered.

Jun 24, 1957
An American agricultural expert and his wife are sent to a Latin-American country to help with its agricultural problems. The wife is distressed with the primitive native village where they are working and she misunderstands some of the villagers' customs and traditions.

Jul 22, 1957
Phyllis, a girl in her 20's, is just returning from her summer vacation, during which she has fallen in love with a struggling young musician. On the bus trip home Phyllis is telling her girlfriend of the difficulty she is going to have in breaking this news to her parents. Phyllis's parents and her aunt and uncle have made Phyllis the center of their lives. In their over-concern for her, they have naturally assumed she would marry George, the boy next door, whom she has known all her life. These four and George too, are on hand to welcome Phyllis home. Soon after their initial greeting, Phyllis tells them she intends to marry the young musician. They are shocked at the news and refuse to believe there can be anything to it.

Jul 29, 1957
A test pilot suffers from shock, amnesia, and guilt after he crashes a new jet.

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