
Season 2 | Episode 23 - UnderWorld Overthrown

Aug 29, 2009
During Kaz's second attempt to rescue H'earring, Chaor and the UnderWorlders with him plan to ambush the M'arrillians in a fiery trap involving Ulmar's Annihilizer near the Marsh of Murk. To keep them from succeeding, Aa'une tells Phelphor to have Lord Van Bloot (whom Phelphor gained under his control) and his army to take advantage of that. When Kaz ends up mind-controlled, Tom tries to rescue Kaz while Sarah and Peyton look for the Mindbander BattleGear. Though it is a success for both Tom and Chaor, Milla'iin took control of Rarran at the last minute before the Annihilizer's attack hit. Aa'une speaks through Rarran stating that the M'arrillians have survived and that Lord Van Bloot's army has taken control of UnderWorld City. This spells trouble for Chaor and the UnderWorlders that are with him.