Chaotic - Season 2 (27)

Sep 13, 2008
Tom flees to Perim after Kaz accuses him of cheating. While working with Bodal, Tom meets a Chaotic player named Simon and his followers who have located rare locations. Tom didn\'t know it yet, but Simon and his followers are secretly using explosive BattleGear to detonate those locations after they scan them. With the help of Sarah, Peyton, Kaz, and Codemasters Crellan and Imthor, Simon\'s plot was thwarted. It turned out that Tom and Kaz\'s match was a ruse to cover up them learning from Maxxor about what\'s recently been happening in Perim.

Nov 30, -0001
When Tom and Kaz aid an OverWorld diplomat named Raznus, they earn Maxxor's thanks. All seems well until Tom makes a disturbing discovery back in Chaotic. Is Raznus truly Maxxor's best friend... or his most devious enemy?

Nov 30, -0001
There’s a new kid in Chaotic! Buzz Jr. is a talented Danian Player. Unfortunately, the boy’s demanding dad is taking the sting out of his game. It’s up to Kaz to show the blustering Buzz Sr. that Drome battling is tougher than he thinks.

Nov 30, -0001
Kaz is out scanning in Fear Valley when he bumps into one of Chaor's commandos. Chaor reveals to Kaz his plan break into the Overworld arsenal and steal Maxor's new battle gear. Problem is Tom, Sarah, and Peyton are in Keru City trying to scan the new battle gear the same day Chaor is going to attack. Even though Kaz tries to warn them Chaor takes away his scanner and plans to keep it until after his mission is complete, making Kaz his prisoner. Meanwhile, Tom, Peyton, and Sarah have been ordered to stay in Keru City until 24 hours have passed. And just at the end of the episode Kaz makes a desperate move to save his friends before Chaor blows up the wall they're standing on. His attempt fails and the missle is released, will Tom, Peyton, and Sarah make it out alive?

Apr 11, 2009
Raznus, having been assimilated into the Danian Tribe, returns to Kiru City with a hive of fierce warriors led by Odu-Bathax. They are accidentally discovered underneath Bodal's arsenal when Bodal was testing a new machine. When Tom, Bodal, and Olkiex get captured when Odu-Bathax decides to raid Kiru City, Kaz runs off to get Maxxor only for Intress to tell Kaz that Maxxor is in the Riverlands (which the M'arrillians had just polluted). With Maxxor busy with some M'arrillians, Intress takes the OverWorld guards, Attacat, Targubaj, and Wytod to free Tom, Bodal, and Olkiex. Raznus tries to reason with Intress, but they end up fighting each other. Maxxor manages to evade his M'arrillian pursuers and use the Song of Translocation to get to where Intress is battling Raznus. With the Danians defeated, Maxxor had learned from Raznus that the M'arrillians have polluted the Danians' water supply. Maxxor lets the Danians go to deliver a message to Illexia for a truce to defeat the M'arrillians.

Aug 22, 2009
Sarah is kidnapped by a ghostly Mipedian creature when she and Peyton try to scan the top of a Mipedian watchtower at Hunter's Perimeter. Sobtjek and the other Mipedians learn from the Mipedian conjurer Skerrel the Wise that the M'arrillians have flooded Ropa'Sahhk and taken over the Mipedians there. Scara advises that they need to join forces with the Warriors of Owayki. Sobtjek decides to take some M'arrillians to where they are said to be found. Meanwhile, Peyton, Tom, and Kaz are looking for Sarah when they run into the Acolytes of Dakkamal who take them to their camp where Ario and Sobtjek are. Upon learning from Peyton what had happened to Sarah, Sobtjek decides to bring them along in the direction where the Mipedian ghost went. They soon run into a storm which sucks in two Mipedian soldiers. Sobtjek decides that they will camp out in the nearby ruins. The next morning, the group encounters the Mipedian ghost who Sobtjek identifies as Owayki. The spirit of Owayki then attacks the approaching Ihun'kalin (the M'arrillian responsible for flooding Ropa'Sahhk). When Ihun'kalin is unable to control Owayki, he ends up controlling Dakamall and some of the Mipedian soldiers while he continues to fight Owayki. Sobtjek uses the Melody of Mirage to fool the brainwashed Mipedians. Upon reachng a mist-covered area, the group proceeds with caution. When they cross the mist, they find Sarah with the petrified Warriors of Owayki. When Dakkamol and the brainwashed Mipedians close in, Peyton has Sobtjek place a mugic in the shape of it within one of the petrified warriors bringing them to life. Peyton learns that the Mugic is running out. With help from Owayki, Tom, Kaz, Peyton, and Sarah recharge the Warriors with the Mugics. Ihun'kalin manages to withdraw the brainwashed Mipedians and retreats. Sobtjek tells Owayki that the real battle is beginning.

Aug 29, 2009
During Kaz's second attempt to rescue H'earring, Chaor and the UnderWorlders with him plan to ambush the M'arrillians in a fiery trap involving Ulmar's Annihilizer near the Marsh of Murk. To keep them from succeeding, Aa'une tells Phelphor to have Lord Van Bloot (whom Phelphor gained under his control) and his army to take advantage of that. When Kaz ends up mind-controlled, Tom tries to rescue Kaz while Sarah and Peyton look for the Mindbander BattleGear. Though it is a success for both Tom and Chaor, Milla'iin took control of Rarran at the last minute before the Annihilizer's attack hit. Aa'une speaks through Rarran stating that the M'arrillians have survived and that Lord Van Bloot's army has taken control of UnderWorld City. This spells trouble for Chaor and the UnderWorlders that are with him.

Sep 5, 2009
Tangath Toborn and his fellow OverWorlders must form an army from the Danians and the Mipedians. Meanwhile, Tom, Sarah, and Kaz go up against Peyton in a training drome match against Peyton's Erak'tabb. During the training, the OverWorlders, Danians, and Mipedians encounter Lystone who ended up controlled by the M'arrillians. After she is stopped, Tangath Toborn continues to train them.

Sep 12, 2009
The Codemasters have initiated an emergency order to recall all Chaotic Players and shut down the Transport Systems. While Tangath Toborn leads a group to Glacier Plains to attack the M'arrillian bases while M'arrillian Coral Fighters led by Phelphor surround Kiru City at the same time, Maxxor plans to go the M'arrillian city of M'arr to capture Aa'une and bring him to Lake Blakeer (a location that disrupts mind-control abilities) to negotiate a peace treaty. Tom, Sarah, and Peyton encounter Najarin who states that there is a traitor amongst the allied ranks. The battle between the M'arrillians rages on. Tangath Toborn struggles to find the Symphony of Stasis Mugic before the heat cannon to melt Glacier Plains activates. Arias and Malvadine's group fights against Phelphor and his Coral Fighters. Najarin suspects that Tartarek is the traitor and has Tom, Peyton, and Sarah investigate. Maxxor is rescued by Chaor and helps Maxxor get to Aa'une. When the Heat Cannon fires at one of the Glaciers, Tangath Toborn manages to use Symphony of Stasis to stop the flood, but it takes effect after he's engulfed in the water seemingly sacrificing his life in the process. As part of evidence to find out if Tartarek is a traitor, Kaz battles Tartawrecker. Maxxor and Chaor confront Aa'une. Kaz finds evidence that Tartarek has been taken over by the M'arrillians. Maxxor succeeds in bringing Aa'une to Lake Blakeer. Najarin reveals to the Tribal Council that Tartarek is with the M'arrillians and Tartarek reveals that Aa'une gets stronger at Lake Blakeer as Aa'une assumes his second form.

Sep 19, 2009
The Codemasters have initiated an emergency order to recall all Chaotic Players and shut down the Transport Systems. While Tangath Toborn leads a group to Glacier Plains to attack the M'arrillian bases while M'arrillian Coral Fighters led by Phelphor surround Kiru City at the same time, Maxxor plans to go the M'arrillian city of M'arr to capture Aa'une and bring him to Lake Blakeer (a location that disrupts mind-control abilities) to negotiate a peace treaty. Tom, Sarah, and Peyton encounter Najarin who states that there is a traitor amongst the allied ranks. The battle between the M'arrillians rages on. Tangath Toborn struggles to find the Symphony of Stasis Mugic before the heat cannon to melt Glacier Plains activates. Arias and Malvadine's group fights against Phelphor and his Coral Fighters. Najarin suspects that Tartarek is the traitor and has Tom, Peyton, and Sarah investigate. Maxxor is rescued by Chaor and helps Maxxor get to Aa'une. When the Heat Cannon fires at one of the Glaciers, Tangath Toborn manages to use Symphony of Stasis to stop the flood, but it takes effect after he's engulfed in the water seemingly sacrificing his life in the process. As part of evidence to find out if Tartarek is a traitor, Kaz battles Tartawrecker. Maxxor and Chaor confront Aa'une. Kaz finds evidence that Tartarek has been taken over by the M'arrillians. Maxxor succeeds in bringing Aa'une to Lake Blakeer. Najarin reveals to the Tribal Council that Tartarek is with the M'arrillians and Tartarek reveals that Aa'une gets stronger at Lake Blakeer as Aa'une assumes his second form.

Mar 10, 2009
With Maxxor and Chaor trapped at Lake Blakeer by the master brainwasher Aa’une, a devastating M’arrillian mind wave races across the OverWorld towards Kiru City, where the helpless Tribal Allies wait in horror. Aa'une knocks Maxxor into Lake Blakeer. When Kaz wonders what happened to Tom, a contact from Codemaster Crellan reveals that the shutdown prevents the Chaotic players from returning from Perim. Takinom and her fellow UnderWorlders alongside the surviving OverWorlders arrive to help in battling Phelphor's army. It turns out Maxxor had Iparu pose as him so that Maxxor could find Xerium Armor. Kaz arrives in Kiru City as Takinom's army fights the brainwashed army. Kaz uses a Psych-Sphere (which he gained from Ulmar's lab) to free Tom, Peyton, and Sarah from the mind-control. Tom and the others head to the Kiru City Library to recover their scanners. At Lake Blakeer, Aa'une changes into his true-form: a multi-faced sea creature version of himself. Iparu becomes a clone of Aa'une's true form. Tom and the others make it to the library. Tom, Sarah, and Peyton find their scanners when a mind-controlled Intress attacks. Maxxor and Chaor discover that Lake Blakeer is negatively charged. Upon finding the real Aa'aune, they use a positive attack to knock Aa'une into Lake Blakeer. Those who have been mind-controlled by the M'arrillians are free while the other M'arrillians retreat.