Tyler Perry's House of Payne - Season 1 - Episodes (25)

Jun 6, 2007
Curtis is bothered by the constant stream of visitors coming through his house, including his own college-age son, Calvin, and his nephew, CJ, and his nephew’s entire family. When CJ’s son, Malik, complains about going to school, the news emerges that he is afraid to go because of a bully constantly stealing his lunch money. Curtis ends up having to go to the conference with the school principal and upon arriving, learns the bully is actually a girl, Nikki. But when Curtis meets Nikki’s foster mother, Madea, he cowers to her own bullying personality. The principal suggests Malik and the bully study together as a way of forming a bond, but neither Curtis nor Madea are happy about the situation

Jun 6, 2007
As he does every birthday, Curtis decides to “refresh” his look, which includes teeth-bleaching, a new hair color and a return to his rookie uniform, which is way too small for him. He heads off to work while Ella and the rest of the family plan a surprise birthday party. When Janine shows up without a cake and without the money that Ella gave her, things seem a little odd. And when the surprise party finally comes around, Curtis isn’t happy at all. He realizes he’s getting older. Just then, a four-alarm fire calls Curtis, CJ and Calvin away, after which Curtis’ oldest friend, Brown, overstays his welcome. When the guys return, they deliver the news that the house that burned down belonged to CJ. After it has been decided that CJ and his family will stay with Curtis and Ella for the time being, Curtis lays down the law on how the house is going to be run.

Jun 13, 2007
Not having a home is weighing on CJ’s mind, and nobody has been able to cheer him up. To make matters worse, the electric company calls him and tells him the electric bill hasn’t been paid. And Janine is increasingly acting more and more strangely, blowing up at the kids and seeming agitated and nervous. She’s also getting strange calls from a guy named Blue. Calvin later tells CJ that he heard on the street that it was arson that caused CJ’s house to burn down. So CJ decides it’s time to get to the bottom of things. The last shoe drops when the insurance company calls and tells CJ his premium hasn’t been paid in months.

Jun 13, 2007
Calvin is trying to fix his money problems by selling knock-off purses while Janine’s money problems get increasingly worse. She manages to convince CJ to give her some money, but she then uses the money to buy drugs, returning home more hopped up than ever. Ella, Calvin, Curtis and Claretha decide it’s time to tell CJ about Janine’s crack addiction. After learning the truth, CJ decides to confront Janine, and she confesses to doing drugs and burning down the house. Then she decides to leave CJ and the kids.

Jun 20, 2007
Janine is still missing, and the family is starting to get worried. Meanwhile, Curtis is getting more and more frustrated over the fact that he has no quiet time in his house. His anger eventually reaches the point that a friend of his, a retired firefighter named Bill, recommends that he undergo an anger management class. The class is given by Walter, a flamboyant facilitator and Richard Simmons-wannabe. Walter decides that Curtis’ issues are so bad, he needs some one-on-one work. But in the middle of their session, news comes that Janine has been found, but her situation is not a pleasant one.

Jun 20, 2007
CJ is down in the dumps over finding Janine in a crack house, and it’s starting to affect his work and his relationship with his children. Curtis is especially concerned because he believes, after seeing Malik in a ballerina tutu that the boy might be turning gay. Curtis tries everything he can do to “straighten” Malik out, despite Ella and CJ telling him that Malik is not gay. Hoping to help CJ out a little and get back some peace and quiet in his household, Curtis offers to give CJ a little of their retirement money so CJ can find a new place.

Jun 27, 2007
Curtis offers his retirement money to CJ so he can move his family out of Curtis & Ella’s house. When CJ accepts the offer, Curtis can’t help him move out fast enough. But things come to a halt when Janine shows up and says she’s been clean for two days. CJ then uses the money to put her in rehab, but she checks herself out two days later and disappears. Calvin then tutors CJ on “the formula” for breaking the news about the non-refundable money to Curtis. Meanwhile, in a bid to woo a girl he’s interested in, Calvin tells the girl that Curtis & Ella’s house is actually his and that Ella is his maid and Curtis his accountant.

Jun 27, 2007
Jazmine comes home extremely upset after a graphic and intense anti-drug presentation at school. CJ tries to talk to her without revealing the truth about Janine, but in the end, he spells out the situation for Jazmine. The family then shares a prayer together for Janine’s recovery. Meanwhile, Curtis uses reward money from rescuing a poodle locked in a car to buy a new massage chair for his office. But since everyone in the firehouse contributed to the rescue, they want the money instead used on a new television.

Jul 4, 2007
Janine's righteous parents come to the Payne's household looking for her. CJ informs them of her serious personal issues.

Jul 4, 2007
Janine's parents file for custody of Jazmine and Malik. Meanwhile, Curtis' firehouse wins an award for fastest response time, leading to their fastest truck being stolen.

Jul 11, 2007
Curtis and Ella finally get some alone time at home, but disaster strikes when Curtis is unable to “perform.” Everyone at the firehouse offers him advice, while Ella gets some advice from Claretha. Finally Curtis gets help from Walter, the anger management coach. Meanwhile, CJ is up to his eyeballs trying to get creditors off his back from all the debt Janine racked up.

Jul 11, 2007
While expecting the impending arrival of a new female firefighter, who simply may stir up their male-dominated world, the firehouse guys fire up fund-raising concepts for charity. Jazmine who is going out to sell candy for her school receives commerce pointers from Calvin.

Jul 18, 2007
When Malik gets excessively consumed with taking showers, Ella worries that he has OCD. In the meantime with help from Curtis the firehouse crew gets ready for the annual inspection.

Jul 18, 2007
While Curtis and Ella enter in an art class jointly, Jazmine makes up her mind to enter politics by running for school president.

Jul 25, 2007
CJ discovers the shocking possibility that he may have another daughter besides Jazmine. And Malik causes concern in the household after he starts hanging out with the wrong crowd.

Jul 25, 2007
The possibility that CJ might be the father of another child continues to be a family issue. Meanwhile, Malik continues to keep company with sketchy kids.

Aug 1, 2007
Janine and her “friends” steal from the Payne household. And Calvin trains for a marathon.

Aug 1, 2007
Ella, Curtis, CJ and the kids head to Florida to visit relatives, leaving Calvin in charge of the house. Never one to turn down a money-making opportunity, Calvin enlists the help of his “homeboys” Pookie and Peanut to set up a house party. But Calvin is called away to a fire in the midst of the party, leaving Pookie and Peanut in charge.

Aug 8, 2007
Ella is arrested in a case of mistaken identity, while Calvin has difficulty cramming for his mid-terms.

Aug 8, 2007
Curtis tries every trick in the book to get out of jury duty, but Claretha, who has also been summoned, convinces him to go. They both wind up chosen for the jury. And to make matters worse for Curtis, Claretha is voted as forewoman. Meanwhile, Malik discovers the joys of online dating when he sets up his own Web profile with the help of his friend, Kevin. But he winds up getting in the worst possible situation.

Aug 15, 2007
Newly divorced CJ finds that everyone in his life wants to “hook him up” with a date, and they all have the perfect woman for him. Growing tension between Angel and Calvin lead everyone to believe they have feelings for one another. Meanwhile, a woman with HIV volunteers at the Help Center.

Aug 15, 2007
Curtis has to undergo a colonoscopy, but he’s nervous about it. He finally agrees, but after the doctor finds a polyp, Curtis becomes convinced he’s going to die. Meanwhile, Calvin begins dating Karen, but Ella is concerned that he doesn’t know about Karen’s HIV status.

Aug 22, 2007
After Jazmine “rescues” a hamster from her school, assistant principal Nicole Jamieson comes to the Payne household to investigate, sparking a schoolboy crush from Malik. When Malik finds out that Jazmine did indeed abscond with the hamster, the two kids make a pact to keep it a secret. Soon, Calvin gets involved, and mayhem becomes the order of the day.

Aug 22, 2007
The firehouse is overwhelmed by a nasty storm that hits Atlanta. Miscommunication about retrieving the kids from school causes a mix up that leads to sparks flying between C.J. and the assistant principal.

Aug 29, 2007
After a fire yields a neighbors' house unlivable, he moves in with the Paynes, but he soon emerges as an pestering houseguest. Somewhere else, Calvin discovers romance with a con artist.