Charlie's Angels is an American crime drama television series that aired on ABC from September 1976 to June 1981, producing five seasons and 110 episodes. The series was created by Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts and was produced by Aaron Spelling. It plotted the adventures of three females working in a private detective agency in Los Angeles, California, and initially starred Kate Jackson, Farrah Fawcett-Majors, and Jaclyn Smith in the leading roles. David Doyle co-starred as a sidekick to the three women and John Forsythe played the voice of their boss. Later additions to the cast included Cheryl Ladd, who entered the series in season two, Shelley Hack, in season four, and Tanya Roberts, in season five. Despite mixed reviews from critics and a reputation for merely being "Jiggle TV," the show enjoyed an astonishing popularity with audiences, and was a top ten hit for its first few seasons. Because later cast changes were not well-received and the public's taste changed, the show concluded a five-year run in the spring of 1981. The series continues to have a cult and pop culture following through syndication, DVD releases, and subsequent film remakes.
Director: Georg Stanford Brown Lawrence Dobkin Bill Bixby Don Chaffey Daniel Haller George McCowan Curtis Harrington Paul Stanley Richard Benedict Dennis Donnelly John Llewellyn Moxey Allen Baron David Doyle Don Weis Ronald Austin Charles S. Dubin Kim Manners Larry Stewart Richard Lang John D. F. Black Cliff Bole Lawrence Doheny
Producer: Leonard Goldberg Ronald Austin James D. Buchanan
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