Endurance - Season 3 - Episodes (19)

Sep 4, 2004
Cameras follow the casting crew of ""Endurance 3: Hawaii"" as they view tapes from young hopefuls, and tour the country to find potential contestants. In the end, J.D. Roth and the crew at Three Ball Production narrow the field to 40 finalists, 20 of who will take part in the next season of ""Endurance"".

Sep 11, 2004
J.D. Roth and the casting crew review tapes from the 40 finalists, looking for teens that are athletic, exciting, and interesting. With the 20 contestants picked, J.D. Roth makes phone calls and personal visits to tell the new contestants the good news.

Sep 25, 2004
As a third season of ""Endurance"" begins, 20 new teens meet in Hawaii and travel through the jungle to meet J.D. and begin the competition that will test their mind, strength, and their will to win. In the first competition, the teens compete for the right to stay in the game. Before the day is over, six teens are eliminated from the competition.

Oct 2, 2004
Three boys are eliminated when rain makes the first challenge more challenging than ever. Back at the huts, the teens begin voicing their preferences of partners.

Oct 9, 2004
The teens pick their partners; All attention is on Bryanah and Lindi, who declare themselves enemies after Lindi takes Bryanah's choice partner.

Oct 16, 2004
From Discoverykids.com: While the 14 official Endurance: Hawaii contestants wax nostalgic about their six fallen comrades, JD is concocting the biggest twist of the game thus far: he's in the process of informing the six kids who lost the Right to Stay game that they are going back to the jungle. Brandon, Marshall, Tom, Eleanor, Vanetta and Taylor will compete against each other in a final, winner-takes-all contest. The winner not only gets the right to stay on Endurance: Hawaii, but also gets to choose his or her partner from the remaining five contestants. These two ""second-chance"" kids will be the Endurance: Hawaii Brown team. With his plan in full swing, JD heads into the jungle to meet with — and surprise — the unknowing Endurance players at the huts. Before revealing anything, JD reminds the contestants that later in the day they'll all participate in their first Endurance mission and someone will end up with the Samadhi that will handicap them for the following day's Temple miss

Oct 23, 2004
In this episode of Endurance, the teams compete in their first Endurance mission for the pyramid piece and the power of the samadhi. All eight teams must stand at the end of a ring, holding up a pole in the center of the ring. If the pole hits the ring, it will ignite, creating a ring of fire and that team is out. Brown is first out, followed quickly by yellow. Eventually, gray, red, and orange are eliminated leaving Blue, Green, and Purple standing. The three remaining teams can only hold up the pole with only one arm and they can't switch arms, making it harder to keep the pole up. Blue was arguing in the middle of the mission and are the next team eliminated, leaving Green and Purple left to battle it out. Alex's hand slips of the handle of the pole and the green team is now out. Purple won the mission and receives a second pyramid piece, putting them in the lead with two pieces. They also decide who gets the samadhi. After the mission, the teams think who may get the samadhi, and s

Oct 30, 2004
From Discoverykids.com The day that everyone has been dreading has arrived. The Endurance: Hawaii contestants will finally compete in their first Temple Mission, and by the end of the evening one team will be going home! But it's Bryanah and Monroe (YELLOW TEAM) who are the most stressed out because they're handicapped by a five-foot piece of rope since the PURPLE TEAM gave them the Samadhi. Sarah (PUPLE TEAM) reveals the reason they gave the Samadhi to Yellow: she doesn't like Bryanah, and she's not alone. Apparently Lindi, Rachel and Nicole don't like her either. Even Monroe is wishing he were paired with someone else since his partner seems to attract so much drama! It seems the only one in Bryanah's corner is Alex (GREEN TEAM), but even she concedes it's unlikely Yellow will be able to pull off a win with the Samadhi hampering them. The anxious contestants meet up with JD to find out about the day's mission: ""Bagging on You"". As JD explains, each team member will be holding two san

Nov 6, 2004
From Discoverykids.com: The Blue team (Antonio and Willa) was the first team to be eliminated in Endurance: Hawaii, but their presence is still felt the following morning as the remaining teams nervously gather with JD to find out which team Blue left their Commitment piece to. In their departing letter, read to the group by Nicole (Orange team), Blue forgives the Yellow team (Bryanah and Monroe) for sending them to Temple and leaves their piece to the team that beat them: Orange (Nicole and Demian). With that drama behind them, everyone relaxes a bit. All the contestants know the drill: The day after an elimination game, the teams have to play an Endurance mission to decide who gets the Samadhi. But at least they're guaranteed another day in the jungle...or are they? JD reveals yet another twist, and this one is HUGE! Today is another Temple mission, and by the end of the day another team will be headed home! JD's revelation sends the teams' alliance-scheming into hyper-drive! Nicole

Nov 13, 2004
From Discoverykids.com: For the second morning in a row, the Endurance: Hawaii contestants gather with JD to find out which team will receive the recently eliminated team's pyramid piece. In their departing letter to the group, the GREEN TEAM (Bjorn and Alex) decides to leave their Heart pyramid piece to the YELLOW TEAM (Bryanah and Monroe) - but not before Green takes a parting shot at Demian of the ORANGE TEAM, telling him he needs to ""step up"" and make his own decisions and not blindly listen to his partner Nicole! With the addition of Green's piece, Yellow team enters into the three-way tie for first place with Orange team and the GRAY TEAM (Lindi and Chris). Before JD lets the contestants go back to their huts, he decides to drop a tidbit of info about the day's upcoming mission. In another twist, JD reveals that the winner of day's mission will not get the Samadhi and will not win a pyramid piece. But, he warns, something much more valuable will be at stake! With that stunning re

Nov 27, 2004
This recap episode brings viewers up to date on the game. Includes never-before seen footage and more Confessional interviews.

Dec 4, 2004
From Discoverykids.com: The fallout of Monroe and Bryanah's (Yellow) decision to choose the Gray (Chris and Lindi) and Purple (Reece and Sarah) teams to join their ""superteam"" in the Temple Mission is still reverberating the following morning in the jungle. Although some of the players who were not chosen by Yellow, such as Kareem from the Red team, admit that Yellow made a wise decision, Tom and Vanetta (Brown) are disappointed that Yellow chose strategy over friendship. Now, Brown feels like they're in a do-or-die situation — if they lose the day's mission, there's a good chance they'll be heading to Temple that evening. Later on, the contestants meet with JD to find out about the day's Temple mission. But first, JD reiterates that the three teams comprising the winning superteam will be immune from being sent to Temple that evening. The game that will decide which superteam is safe is called Bamboo Jungle. Essentially, it's an obstacle course that will force the contestants to jump

Dec 11, 2004
From Discoverykids.com: It's another rainy, dreary morning in the jungle, and the remaining contestants are trying to adjust to life in the huts without their friends from the recently departed Red team (Rachel and Kareem). JD meets with the survivors to read Red's departing letter and, more importantly, to find out which team Red has left their pyramid piece to. In the letter, the Red team reveals that they found Reece and Sara (Purple team) most trustworthy, so they have decided to bestow their Trust piece upon them. This revelation miffs Tom (Brown team), who expected his good friend Kareem to leave the piece to him. The addition of Red's piece gives Purple the lead in the game, with three pyramid pieces total, followed closely by Yellow (Bryanah and Monroe) and Orange (Nicole and Bryanah), who are tied for second place with two pieces each. JD quickly segues into the day's Endurance mission, which is on everyone's mind. But in typical JD fashion, he slyly throws in a twist: he info

Dec 18, 2004
From Discoverykids.com: The day begins in the jungle with the Yellow team (Bryanah and Monroe) in low spirits. Understandably, they still have not fully recovered from Gray (Lindi and Chris) taking their only two pyramid pieces the previous afternoon. JD encourages Yellow to hang in there and continue to play hard, because there are many twists and turns yet to unfold on Endurance: Hawaii. Fate and good fortune could be just around the corner. Speaking of twists, JD goes on to announce that there will be no Temple mission today and no team will be eliminated that evening! Instead, the teams will compete in another Endurance mission, for the Courage pyramid piece and the power to choose which team will be handicapped by the Samadhi. It all seems like good news until JD throws out one last bit of information about this mission's Samadhi — the team that receives it will have absolutely no chance of winning the next day's Temple mission! Back at the huts the teams begin to make plans about

Jan 8, 2005
From Discoverykids.com: The day on Endurance: Hawaii begins with a tragic and unfortunate event: Vanetta (Brown team) injured her knee in a freak accident in the early morning. She was immediately evacuated out of the jungle to the nearest hospital, and as a result, she's been forced out of the game! As all of the contestants gather with JD to play the day's Temple mission, JD gives Tom, Vanetta's partner, his options: he can either take himself — and thus, the Brown team — out of the competition, or he can continue to compete as a one-man team. Tom gallantly chooses to stay in honor of his fallen teammate, and decides that the Brown team will continue on in Endurance: Hawaii, albeit at a great disadvantage. JD shares his admiration for Tom's decision to persevere in the game, and then tells everyone about the day's Temple mission, Balance Ball. In this game, each of the team members will be required to hold one end of a platform on which they will balance a ball. The team will have to

Jan 22, 2005
From Discoverykids.com It's down to the final four teams on Endurance: Hawaii, and with a Temple mission to be played in the afternoon, everyone is reassessing their loyalties and alliances. In particular, Nicole (Orange team) seems ready to abandon her team's alliance with the Gray (Lindi and Chris) and Purple (Sarah and Reece) teams, out of fear that one of those teams will send Orange to Temple with the perennially picked-on Yellow team (Bryanah and Monroe), should they win the day's mission. No one is more surprised by the newfound friendship between the Orange and Yellow teams than Bryanah, but she realizes that Nicole's offer of a truce isn't one of goodwill, but rather a strategic maneuver to stay in the game. Later, the teams meet up with JD to play the day's Temple mission, You're Fired. Based equally on physicality and luck, the game requires the contestants to shuttle water from the nearby pond into a series of tubs located across a stretch of land using only small pouches.

Jan 29, 2005
From Discoverykids.com And then there were three - only the Yellow (Bryanah and Monroe), Gray (Lindi and Chris) and Orange (Nicole and Demian) teams remain on Endurance: Hawaii! JD meets with the remaining contestants at the huts first thing in the morning to read the Purple team's farewell letter, and to find out which team Purple has left their pyramid pieces to. Although Sara and Reece seemed to have left the island on good terms with everyone, they specifically cite the Gray team as their greatest friends, and make good on a promise to leave their 3 pieces to them. With the addition of Purple's pieces, the Gray team now has an astounding 7 pieces total; both the Yellow and Orange teams have only two apiece! Despite the daunting lead Gray holds, there are more challenges ahead and anyone could come out on top. JD goes on to explain the day's Endurance mission, CREATE YOUR OWN GAME. The name pretty much says it all; for the first time in Endurance history, the contestants must cooper

Feb 5, 2005
From Discoverykids.com: After enjoying a sunny morning of swimming in Kauai, the contestants meet with JD at the huts to hear about the afternoon's Temple mission — the last one of Endurance: Hawaii. With only three teams left in the game, the winner of the mission is a lock to play for the championship, while the other two teams will have to test their luck at Temple later that night. No one needs reminding that the Yellow team (Bryanah and Monroe) was given the Samadhi by the Gray team (Lindi and Chris) the previous day, but JD brings up an interesting fact: no team in Endurance history has ever been to Temple three times and played for the championship. If the Samadhi handicaps Yellow and forces them to Temple, and should good fortune be on their side and they make it back to the jungle anyway, they could makegame history! Later, the contestants rendezvous with JD to play the final Temple mission, Color Coded. In this memory game, the players on each team must correctly choose one o

Feb 12, 2005
From Discoverykids.com At last, the final day of Endurance: Hawaii has arrived! And when the Orange (Nicole and Demian) and Gray (Lindi and Chris) teams meet with JD at the huts on this sunny morning in the jungles of Kauai, he takes a moment to congratulate them on making it to the championship round. But they soon get down to business, reading the now-departed Yellow team's farewell letter. In the letter, Bryanah and Monroe express their sympathies to Demian for having to deal with Nicole as a partner, but they postscript the comment by telling him it was his own fault for choosing her in the first place! They then go on to express their admiration for Lindi and Chris, and wish them the best of luck at winning the championship. The good news for Orange is that the Yellow team couldn't leave their pieces to Gray, which would've given them an even more overwhelming lead. Instead, their two pieces will be up for grabs in the day's mission, Battle for the Pieces! In this mission, the two