Endurance - Season 2 - Episodes (16)

Sep 27, 2003
In the season opener, 20 new teens have met in Baja, Mexico to play ""Endurance"": a game that will test their strength, mind, and will. The contestants are: Phil, 14 Michelle, 14 Shep, 14 Calley, 15 Maryelle, 14 Glen, 14 Sarah, 14 Scooter, 14 David, 14 Annie, 15 Jeff, 15 Christa, 13 Jacquelynn, 13 Tyler, 14 Abbey, 14 Mike, 15 Wayne, 15 Keetin, 14 Trey, 14 Simone, 15 The contestants, looking worried and a little excited about the upcoming events, ride donkeys to their new homes. During the ride, Calley explains to the cameras that she is scared because she doesn't know anyone. Some contestants are slightly more confident. Scooter explains that he is in it to win it, while Simone admits that people look at her as a 'girly-girl' and she wants to prove that she can hold her own in challenges. During the ride to their new homes, some contestants take time to size up the competition. Trey believes that Phil and Mike look like good c

Oct 4, 2003
It's day 2 on the ""Endurance"" beach, and the 14 new contestants learn they will be pairing up with their partnars later in the day. J.D. meets the teens on the beach, to get a feeling of who wants to be who's partner. When asked who he wants to partner up with, Shep says he wants to partner with either Jacquelynn or Christa. Jaquelynn feels that could be a good partnership. J.D. leaves the teens until later that day, and advises them to begin thinking about what partner AND team color they want. Later, the teens begin to discuss who they want to be partnered up with. In interviews, many of the girls seem to want either Shep, Phil or Tyler as their partner. At the same time, there is some animosity over the fact that many of the boys want to be partnered with Jacquelynn. While Wayne complains that HE should get Jacquelynn as his partner, Annie tells Calley and Michelle that Jacquelynn only wants to be partnered with Shep because she finds him attractive. Later, the teens meet on the

Oct 11, 2003
Only a few days into the game, the strategizing and whispering has already begun. According to Maryelle, the teams are split down the middle; The yellow, green and brown teams against the grey, purple, orange, and red teams. Meanwhile, the blue team has split too. While Scooter wants to align with the purple and red teams, Christa is going back and forth on her decision. When the teams meet on the beach to compete in their first competition, they learn the challenge is a Temple Mission, and one team will be leaving the game that evening. In the mission, ""Tower of Power"", teams race across the water and beach, collecting large blocks as they go. The first team to cross the finish line with all their blocks stacked in a tower will win the first Temple mission. When the mission begins, the yellow and brown teams take an early lead, while the orange team is still struggling to stay afloat in the water. Soon, many of the teams are struggling to keep their blocks stacked, and the green

Oct 18, 2003
The next afternoon, J.D. meets the remaining teens near their huts, and gives the green team a note left by Wayne and Maryelle. The note tells the purple team to send Tyler home and to stay true to the alliance. It also reveals that the grey team wishes to give the purple team their pyramid piece. When J.D asks the teams if anyone had an alliance with the grey team, Annie reveals her team, purple, DID indeed have an ""agreement"" to work together. Now, with the grey team's pyramid piece, Annie and Jeff have taken the lead in the game. When the teams return to the huts, Annie tells Michelle the only reason she was sent to temple was because many people want to see Tyler go. In the other hut, Tyler complains to Phil and Scooter about how annoying he finds Michelle. As the purple team walks to the pyramid piece poles, away from the other kids, Annie tells Jeff she was closest to Maryelle and wishes orange went, while Jeff admits he is worried that other people will see their team as a threa

Oct 25, 2003
With the second Temple mission looming, tensions are high on the beach. Michelle, of the Orange team, is determined to win the challenge, in hopes of gaining more respect, and Jenna explains that the brown team's strategy is to win. As the teams meet on the beach, they learn about the temple mission, entitled ""Rollerball"". In the challenge, each teammate takes one side of a board with small walls scattered across the board. The object is to move two balls from one side of the board to the other, maneuvering around the walls and falling into a pocket on the other side of the board. The first team to drop both balls into the pocket wins the temple mission, and will get the privilege of sending two teams to Temple. Shortly after the challenge begins, both the brown teams and the green teams get one ball into the pocket. While the other teams continue to have trouble keeping their first ball on the board, the green and brown team appear to be neck and neck. However, the green team is abl

Nov 1, 2003
The next morning, J.D. meets the remaining teams near their huts, and gives Mike and Keetin a note left from the Red team. Within the note, Jacquelynn and Phil write that they can't wait to see the Green team go home next, and that they are leaving their Discipline pyramid piece with the Blue team, Christa and Scooter. That gives the Blue team two pyramid pieces, while the Purple team holds the lead with three. Although Mike and Keetin seem to laugh off the note in front of everyone, they reveal their true thoughts to the camera. Mike worries that other teams may begin to dislike them because the Red team accused them of being backstabbers. Meanwhile, Max, of the Brown team, tells the cameras that the Blue team wants the Green, Yellow, and Brown teams out. The teens later meet on the beach to compete in their next Endurance mission, ""Tide Pull"". In this Endurance mission, one member from each team paddles their boat as far as they can away from the shore within 30 seconds. After 30

Nov 8, 2003
A recap of the first 6 episodes, and a preview of what's to come.

Jan 3, 2004
It's morning, the day of the Temple mission, and the teams are gearing up to prove who deserves to stay in the game. Some teams, especially the Blue team, feel they could go home if they don't win this mission. Although his team has the Samadhi, which will handicap them in the challenge, Scooter vows that his team, Blue, will win the mission and send the Brown and Yellow teams to the Temple of Fate. Later that day, the teams meet J.D. on the beach, to learn they will be playing an a mission called ""On the Ropes"". In the mission, one member from each team takes the end of their rope and strings it through a series of hoops. The compeititor that strings their rope through the last hoop will win the mission for their team. The catch? The player with the rope will be blindfolded, and their partner will scream directions from the starting position. The teams take their positions, and the mission begins. The blindfolded team members take off, ropes in hand. Many of the contestants have a

Jan 10, 2004
The next morning, the five remaining teams meets with J.D. near the huts, to discuss the Blue team's elimination from the game. J.D. asks Annie to read the letter from the Blue team. In the letter, Christa and Scooter write that they compliment Jenna and Max for having the guts to send them to Temple, and that they hope the Green or Purple team win. Also, the Blue team writes that they leave their two pyramid pieces to the Annie and Jeff, of the Purple team. While Annie and Jeff are excited to hear they have received two more pyramid pieces, the other contestants question why the Purple team received the pieces. Calley, of the Yellow team, tells the cameras that she believes Scooter left the pieces to the Purple team just to irritate the remaining contestants. It seems, however, that Calley is not upset her enemy, Annie, received pieces. Both girls tell the cameras they have talked about their differences, and have agreed to get along. Later, while the teens relax near their huts, t

Jan 17, 2004
It's the day of the Temple Mission, and every team is ready to win. Especially Shep and Calley, who are ready to show they are worth keeping in the Green/Brown/Yellow alliance. However, the Purple team once again wins the Temple Mission, and get the opportunity to send two teams to the Temple of Fate. In the end, Annie and Jeff decide to send their rivals the Brown and Yellow Teams to the Temple. That evening, Shep and Calley are eliminated from the game.

Jan 24, 2004
It seems that after days of strategizing and making deals, Max's plan may backfire. Annie shares with Keetin that Max promised the Purple Team a spot in the Final 2. When Keetin reveals Max made the same deal with the Green Team, both girls seem to be suspicious of the Brown Team. Later in the Temple Mission, the Orange Team, Michelle and Tyler, surprise everyone by winning their first mission. With the Samadhi in the their hands, the Orange Team readies to make some deals. That evening, at the rock, Tyler asks J.D. if he can remove the Samadhi from the game, instead of giving it to a competitor. J.D. removes the Samadhi from the game, creating a level playing field for the next day's Temple Mission.

Jan 31, 2004
The final four teams battle it out in a spot for the final three. When Mike and Keetin win the Temple Mission, they feel the heat from the other teams when they announce who they'll be sending to the Temple. In the end, the Purple Team, which J.D. calls the strongest team on Season 2, in eliminated from the game.

Feb 7, 2004
The final three teams ready to compete in the most important Temple Mission of the game. After the Brown team wins the mission, the Green and Orange teams worry about whether they will return to the game. By the end of the night, Michelle and Tyler, Season 2's underdogs are finally sent packing.

Feb 14, 2004
With only two episodes left before the winners of ""Endurance 2"" are revealed, we take a look back at the most dramatic moments and exciting challenges of Season 2.

Feb 21, 2004
In the final mission, the remaining two teams battle it out for the eight pyramid pieces left by the Orange team. After the challenging mission, the teams each recieve four pyramid pieces, which they ready to use the next day at the final visit to the Temple of Fate.

Feb 28, 2004
The final two teams compete at the Temple of Fate; The game ends with the Brown Team becoming the ""Endurance 2"" champions.