The Fast Show - Season 3 - Episodes (8)

Dec 14, 1997
Jesse's fashion tip is that he will be mostly wearing Dolce e Gabbana, The Checkout girl embarasses her customers, The Police stop Chris the Crafty Cockney, Jackson Jeffrey Jackson appears on Jazz Club, The Deaf Stuntman screws up another stunt.

Nov 21, 1997
An actor takes six hours in makeup, Colin Hunt tries to fix the photocopier, Monkfish goes undercover, Johnny Nice Painter has a panic attack, Indecisive Dave talks about the England Squad, Roger Nouveau attends a football match, Competitive Dad watches his sons on stage.

Nov 28, 1997
The Squeamish Zoo keeper is feeding the penguins, Chris the Crafty Cockney is talking to a newspaper seller, The Suit You Tailors show a new boy the ropes, The Deaf Stuntman throws himself off a roof, The Off-Roaders go Potholing, Competitive Dad tries weightlifting.

Dec 5, 1997
The Ghoul gives a tip on a football match, The Off-Roaders are living in the wild, Dave Angel The Eco Warrior talks about global warming, Ron Manager talks about baldness, A Rambler asks for directions, Thats Amazing discusses Robots, Arthur Atkinson appears in a seventies sex comedy.

Dec 12, 1997
Chris the Crafty Cockney is feeling depressed, The Deaf Stuntman rides his bike into the docks, Competitive Dad plays Tennis, Chanel 9 has its annual awards, Old Archie talks about religion, A posh man goes to buy a suit from the Suit You Tailors.

Dec 19, 1997
Unlucky Alf gets electrocuted, Colin Hunt goes to the pub, Cliff the Crafty Copper books someone who asks for directions, Jazz Club with Witch Doctor Jeremy Queeg, The I'll Get Me Coat man discusses being Middle-Class, Swiss Toni explains his nickname, Competitive Dad talks about his paintings, Old Archie talks about chess, The 13th Duke of Wybourne is alone with his best friend's wife, Arthur Atkinson appears in his first film, Thats Amazing features a mad professor, Ralph has bad news for Ted.

Dec 22, 1997
Patrick Nice talks about his prophecies being fulfilled, The Deaf Stuntman sets himself on fire, Paul makes Swiss Toni a coffee, Billy Bleach talks about mixed races, Chanel 9 presents a cooking program, Old Archie talks about the ballet, Sullivan Rhodes presents the Indie Club, The Suit You Tailors blackmail a customer, Dave Angel The Eco Warrior is sitting at a campsite with his new hippy friends.

Dec 29, 1997
The Off-Roaders go White Water Rafting, Colin Hunt goes to a restaurant, Ted and Ralph attend Mrs Ted's funeral service, Chanel 9 presents a childrens program, Dave Angel Eco Warrior explores Naturism.