The Price Is Right - Released 52 Years Ago

Cast & Crew - Age Breakdown

Age At Time Of Release

(Start - Present)

Age Now

Profile 5 - 53 58

Profile 3 - 51 55

Profile 1 - 46 50

Profile 14 - 61 66

Profile 6 - 40 45

Profile 48 - 96 100

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile 5 - 52 57

Profile N/A N/A

Profile 48 - 96 100

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Profile N/A N/A

Paul Alter (Deceased)
50 - 97 89

Profile 9 - 37 42

Profile 16 - 30 35