Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Season 8 - Episodes (22)

Feb 1, 1997
Movie Plot: A mutant fish-man escapes from captivity at a Florida aquarium. Intro: Mike, Servo, and Gypsy return to the SOL to find Crow has been there alone for a VERY long time. Segment One: The crew discovers that the year is now 2525, and the earth is being ruled by apes. They are contacted by Professor Bobo and Dr. peanut, two ape scientists. Following orders from their Lawgiver, they sent the SOL the movie. Segment Two: Crow introduces us to the Nanites, tiny robots that have infested the SOL, and are helping Servo fix the ship. Segment Three: An alien named Phil that Servo did business with comes looking for him. Segment Four: Mike and the 'bots catch up with what they've been doing before returning to the SOL. Segment Five: We discover that Mike's ancestors are responsible for the ape takeover. On Ape Earth, we learn that the Lawgiver is Pearl Forrester, who was cryogenically frozen for 500 years. She has become more evil than she was before and she vows to continue

Feb 8, 1997
Movie Plot: A sordid tale about the fountain of youth and a woman who wishes to be younger. On the SOL: Crow rids the SOL of a prairie dog problem / the Nanites go on strike / Servo and Crow attack Mike to extract eternal youth from him / Servo demands that Crow and Mike play "Beverly Hillbillies." On Ape Earth: Mike convinces the apes to revert to their monkey nature, which causes Pearl to get upset / Pearl makes up dumb laws to help reinforce her authority as lawgiver. Stinger: The cop tries to outwit his suspect.

Feb 15, 1997
Movie Plot: An expedition to the center of the Earth encounters an underground civilization. On the SOL: Crow tries to make Gypsy, Mike, and Servo his slaves / Crow does an archaeological dig through the SOL / Mike meets some of the underground dwellers. On Ape Earth: Pearl demands a parade in her honor / the apes give Pearl a hunky guy, played by Robert Smith of the Minnesota Vikings. Stinger: "It" hits the wall.

Feb 22, 1997
Movie Plot: After being exposed to atomic radiation, a giant Praying Mantis attacks the North Pole. On the SOL: Mike and Crow upset Servo by not participating in casual day / the Crew holds a memorial service for Pearl, who then calls to tell them that she is angry and she will pursue them to the bitter end / Crow is eaten by an alien that was brought on board the SOL / the Crew gets a letter from Dr. Peanut, who survived the blast and is now in Wisconsin. On Ape Earth: Pearl, Bobo, and Dr. Peanut accidentally (with help from Mike) detonate a bomb that destroys the planet / Pearl has survived and, with Bobo, she will hunt down the SOL across space. Stinger: The corporal goes for a little stroll.

Mar 1, 1997
Movie Plot: The decapitated head of a dead Spaniard curses a household of farmers and leads to senseless deaths. On the SOL: Crow gives Servo an art grant / the SOL is pulled to orbit over a strange planet / An Observer appears on the SOL, but Mike and the 'bots are annoyed to the point that they throw him off the ship / Crow produces a Civil War documentary / Servo pretends to be the head from the movie. On the Observer's Planet: The Observers are amused by Pearl and Bobo / Pearl kicks Bobo out of bed, forcing him to give up his mint. Stinger: The Observers staring.

Mar 8, 1997
Movie Plot: A psychic causes a woman to regress to medieval France. On the SOL: Servo tests higher than Mike, Crow, Gypsy, Pearl, and Bobo on the Observers' IQ test / the witch from the movie visits the SOL. On the Observers' Planet: The Observers administer an IQ test / Servo tries to join the Observers / Bobo accidentally eats one of the Observers' brains. Stinger: The Observers staring.

Mar 15, 1997
Movie Plot: Using a time machine, a scientist brings back a creature from the year 5000. On the SOL: The Crew samples some of the Observers' food / Crow goes back in time to visit Mike's family / Mike summons the Terror from the year 500 to be Crow's blind date. On the Observers' Planet: The Observers want to dissect Pearl and Bobo / the Observers' sing the love song "When I Held Your Brain In My Arms." Stinger: The Observers staring.

Apr 5, 1997
Movie Plot: A female crustacean creature is conjured up from the sea and starts to attack people. On the SOL: Thawmaster vs. Thighmaster / Crow makes a doll based on the psychic doctor from the movie / the Crew questions the meaning of the question mark at the end of the film. On the Observers' Planet: The Observers are about to dissect Bobo and Pearl, so Mike and the Nanites steal one of the Observers' brains as a distraction. Mike then blows up their planet. / Pearl, with Bobo and an Observer, have escaped the planet's destruction aboard the Widowmaker / Bobo goes to change a flat tire on the Widowmaker, but falls to the strange planet below. Stinger: Bobo scopes out the planet.

Apr 19, 1997
Movie Plot: A teenager becomes a werewolf. On the SOL: Servo declines the position of SOL commander / Pearl leaves the SOL functioning only on battery power, making it vulnerable to alien attack / the Crew deals with the aliens attacking the ship / Crow opens a breakfast place on the SOL. On the Camping Planet: Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy are camping / Pearl tries to scare Bobo and brain Guy with some campfire ghost stories. Stinger: "People bug me, too."

May 31, 1997
Movie Plot: After and asteroid crash, giant alien spiders start attacking people. On the SOL: Servo becomes a cheerleader / an evil alien entity posesses Gypsy, and is coming to posess the others / the evil entity creates a doppelganger Servo / all of the 'bots are now posessed, and Mike appeals to Bobo for help. On the Camping Planet: Pearl tells the SOL of her camping adventures / Pearl and Brain Guy have been posessed by the evil aliens and are preparing to use the alien pods to posess the world / only Bobo, who is not posessed, can destroy the mother pod. Mike has to convince him to do it. Stinger: "Phtphptptphpt."

Jun 7, 1997
Movie Plot: A clone escapes the lab where people are cloned to provide body parts. On the SOL: Mike grows a mustache / the Crew discusses how to raise children / at Pearl's request, the SOL produces some children's programs to keep the Space Kids busy / Crow gets a new, small nose. On the Camping Planet: Three evil Space Kids with psychic powers force Pearl, Bobo and Brain Guy to play with them / the Kids force Pearl, et al. to play "Candyland." Stinger: "Sure!"

Jun 14, 1997
Movie Plot: A fortune teller kidnaps some salesmen and turns them into her zombie slaves. On the SOL: Crow and Servo hit up Mike for walk-a-thon pledges / Crow and Servo pretend to be fortune-tellers and cheat more money from Mike / Shelli the Nanite gives the crew pompadours / Ortega is hired by Crow to cater the break / the 'bots put Mike into a box and call it a roller coaster. On the Camping Planet: Pearl is driving the Space kids home, leaving Bobo and Brain Guy on the planet alone. Bobo hurts Brain Guy / Pearl meets the omnipotent parents of the Space Kids. Stinger: "What do you think we came here eat?"

Jul 12, 1997
Movie Plot: A really weird Scandinavian movie about a woman whose ugly sister throws her out and she goes to Jack Frost for help to find her dream husband. On the SOL: Mike is the "Lord of the Dance" / Yakov Smirnoff comes to talk bout the film / Earl Torgeson of Sanford, Maine visits and tries to explain the movie. On the Camping Planet: Pearl is still gone, and Bobo and Brain Guy argue over who is in charge / Brain Guy and Bobo grow closer / Mike, Bobo, Brain Guy, and Pearl debate what is the best ape movie ever made. Stinger: "Bring on my fiancé!"

Jul 19, 1997
Movie Plot: A 1970s movie about a secret government agent. On the SOL: Mike tries cooking / Servo does a tribute to the seventies. Thats the 70s AD, not the 1970s / Servo becomes a trucker / the Crew tries to inject characters into a movie. On the Camping Planet: Evil robots attack Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy. They ask the SOL for help, and Mike responds by blowing up the planet / once again, Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy have escaped destruction by taking off in the Widowmaker. Pearl demands medals for bravery. Stinger: Jim Stafford is happy.

Aug 2, 1997
Movie Plot: A 1960s secret agent is charged to protect a scientist who has created a really dumb biological weapon. On the SOL: Servo and Crow are into some Extreme Hobbies / Servo tries to find a legal way to help Mike / the 'bots make sure Mike does his community service. In the Intergalactic Courtroom: Mike is charged for his recent planet destructions. Pearl is the prosecutor, Bobo is the defense attorney / Bobo is not defending Mike very well / Servo and Crow's testimony does not seem to help Mike either / Bobo traps Brain Guy in a lie on the stand / Mike is convicted, but his death sentence is negotiated down to community service. Stinger: Spaz chop.

Aug 16, 1997
Movie Plot: Only the hero Prince Of Space can save Japan from an evil alien attack. On the SOL: The SOL is sucked into a wormhole causing all sorts of things to happen, including Mike turning into a puppet and the entire crew ending up the woods of Minnesota / Mike marries Krankor, the villain of the movie. On the Widowmaker: While outside going to the bathroom, Bobo pulls the Widowmaker into a wormhole, taking the SOL with it / Pearl and Brain Guy land the Widowmaker in what seems to be ancient Rome.

Sep 6, 1997
Movie Plot: Radioactive waste creates a monster that attacks some teenagers. On the SOL: The 'bots make Mike a very small bathing suit / Servo writes newspaper articles that are very up-to-date / the Crew imitates the Del-Aires. In Ancient Rome: Pearl and Brain Guy try to convince Flavia and Callypigeas that they are gods. Flavia is impressed with Mike and the 'bots / Flavia and Pearl catfight.

Oct 4, 1997
Movie Plot: A ventriloquist uses voodoo to seduce women. On the SOL: Servo throws a keg party where Crow gets drunk on Nanite beer and goes bonkers / Crow buys a Devil Doll from Pitch the demon, much to Mike's chagrin / the 'bots set up a pub for Mike / Crow talks to Pitch about how to mess with Servo's soul. In Ancient Rome: The Romans think Pearl and Brain Guy are gods and throw them a toga party, that Brain Guy turns into a pants party / Pearl and Brain Guy watch a fight at the Colosseum where they discover that one of the fighters is actually Bobo.

Oct 11, 1997
Movie Plot: Japan is attached by an alien, and is saved by a very insignificant hero. Features the classic horrible special effects that are a staple of early 1950s Japanese horror movies. Keep an eye out for the bizarre scene featuring Adolph Hitler. On the SOL: Servo, Crow, and the Nanites lose a battle against the mites that live on Mike's eyelashes / the 'bots Kaboke play degenerates / the Crew is almost driven to insanity be the movie, but they are cheered up when the evil Krankor visits to try to conquer them. In Ancient Rome: Bobo, who thinks he is a Roman warrior named the Mad Goth, is a celebrity / Pearl and Brain Guy try to tell Bobo who he really is / Pearl bashes Bobo over the head, which gets his memory back, but also gets the them, and Brain Guy, arrested. Stinger: The little boy falls down.

Nov 7, 1997
Movie Plot: A group of spaceship passengers rebel against the ship's captain. On the SOL: Mike gets a new set of encyclopedias to replace the old one that the 'bots kept complaining about / Servo and Crow crash the last of the SOL's escape pods / Servo installs a bit too much safety gear on the SOL / Crow shows off his new muscles. In Ancient Rome: Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy are in the dungeon. Brain Guy attempts to bring Mike down to help, but the Romans have taken away his brain, leaving him powerless / Bobo throws up a possible means of escape / Mike distracts Flavia while Brain Guy busts Bobo and Pearl out. Bobo then sets the city on fire.

Nov 22, 1997
Movie Plot: a Vermont based film made in 1991 about a college professor who creates a time-traveling plane and sells it to an evil cooperation. He finds that the cooperation uses the plane as a weapon to destroy the future, and he has to go back in time several times to stop himself from selling his time machine in the first place. On the SOL: Crow goes back in time to the 1980s to talk Mike out of taking temp jobs, thus stopping him from getting the job in Deep 13 that got him trapped on the SOL / The 'bots are dismayed to find Mike replaced by Mike's alcoholic brother Eddie / Eddie tells the 'bots that Mike played in a band and died, prompting Crow to go back and undo his earlier mission. On the Widowmaker: Pearl has put Bobo and Brain Guy down for the night and invites Mike over for a chat / Pearl informs Mike that there is now an extra Crow roaming around 1985 Wisconsin.

Dec 6, 1997
Movie Plot: A man's mind gets sucked into a massive computer system. Intro: Crow creates a catch phrase for himself. Segment One: Pearl asks the 'bots to make a catch phrase for Mike. Pearl decides to make money by having her own PBS station, and hosting a pledge drive. Segment Two: The 'bots order a pet monkey over the internet. Segment Three: The bots' monkey does not like Mike. As an example of other Pearl-based programming, Pearl and Brain guy sing a duet. Segment Four: Servo is beat up by some rough Nanites. Segment Five: Bobo comes up to the SOL to help with the monkey, but ends up turning against Mike and the 'bots. Meanwhile, Pearl counts the money her pledge drive made.