Mystery Science Theater 3000

Season 8 | Episode 22 - Overdrawn at the Memory Bank

Dec 6, 1997
Movie Plot: A man's mind gets sucked into a massive computer system. Intro: Crow creates a catch phrase for himself. Segment One: Pearl asks the 'bots to make a catch phrase for Mike. Pearl decides to make money by having her own PBS station, and hosting a pledge drive. Segment Two: The 'bots order a pet monkey over the internet. Segment Three: The bots' monkey does not like Mike. As an example of other Pearl-based programming, Pearl and Brain guy sing a duet. Segment Four: Servo is beat up by some rough Nanites. Segment Five: Bobo comes up to the SOL to help with the monkey, but ends up turning against Mike and the 'bots. Meanwhile, Pearl counts the money her pledge drive made.