Mystery Science Theater 3000

Season 5 | Episode 7 - I Accuse My Parents

Sep 4, 1993
Movie Plot: A teenager's dysfunctional family life leads him into trouble with a night club dancer and the mob. Also riffed was the short: "The Truck Farmer." Intro: Crow paints Servo flesh toned because he has "Pinocchio Syndrome". Segment One: Joel invents an organizer for your junk drawer that holds some really odd stuff. In Deep 13, the Mads invent a cake mix that includes an exotic dancer, who is accidentally baked into the cake by Frank. Segment Two: The crew re-enacts the night club scene from the movie. Segment Three: Joel analyzes the 'bots hopes for their families. Segment Four: The crew tries to find the cause of Jimmy's (the kid in the movie) social illness. Segment Five: The 'bots try to rob Joel of hamburgers. They get out the heavy artillery to do so. In Deep 13, the exotic dancer from the cake tries to seduce Dr. Forrester.