Today is a daily American morning television show that airs on NBC. The program debuted on January 14, 1952. It was the first of its genre on American television and in the world, and is the fifth-longest running American television series. Originally a two-hour program on weekdays, it expanded to Sundays in 1987 and Saturdays in 1992. The weekday broadcast expanded to three hours in 2000, and to four hours in 2007. Today's dominance was virtually unchallenged by the other networks until the late 1980s, when it was overtaken by ABC's Good Morning America. Today retook the Nielsen ratings lead the week of December 11, 1995, and held onto that position for 852 consecutive weeks until the week of April 9, 2012, when it was beaten by Good Morning America yet again. In 2002, Today was ranked #17 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest Television Shows of All Time.
Producer: Stuart Schulberg Victoria Duncan Richard Minner Mary Ann Zoellner Matt Zimmerman Kerri Zimmer Alicia Ybarbo Grace Yavana Charisse Williams Lea Whitener Ian Wenger Josh Weiner Curtis Vogel Donald Tsouhnikas Karen Trosset Jennie Thompson Lauren Sugrue Amy Stetson James Thompson Lindsay Sobel Robin Sindler Stephanie Siegel Max Paul Robin Sherman Dave Scheier Colleen Sanvido Alexis Rudolph Vanessa Rowson Erin Reynolds Gil Reisfield Meredith Reis Sara Pines Chemene Pelzer Molly Palmer Kelly A. Paice Wesley Oliver Donna Nicholls Bridget Nurre Elizabeth Neumann David Naggiar Melea McCreary Lee Miller Carol Marquis Zoe Marcus Paul Manson Antoinette Machiaverna Patricia Luchsinger Michele Leone Bruce Lamb Angela LaGreca Elizaveta Kvint Candace Kuo Rory Kress Marc Koslow Megan Kopf Evan Klupt Minah Kathuria Eric Jackson Emil Gerard Jablonski Jane Marie Hitch Sarah Heidarpour Brittany Haviland Bill Hatfield Andrew Goldstein David Gelles Rainy Farrell Brian Cohen Carol M. Sullivan Joanne LaMarca Mary Ellen Duffy Richard Bonnabeau Katharine Buckley Sabrina Clay Rachel DeLima Chapman Bell Allison Berger Steven Ascher Amanda Avery Roberto Bailey Colleen Dudgeon Jared Carullo Jayme Baron Sarah Clagett Stephanie Becker Kerry Byrnes Jim Wilson Katie Distler Sigi Devos Hillary Guy Matthew Greenfield Rory Weisbord Katie Booker Jen Gotti Melissa Dunlop Ernie Angstadt Sean Reis Ryan Osborn Federico S. Quadrani John O'Rourke Matthew Glick Michelle Fanucci Melanie Jackson Julie Gurovitsch Rana Farhat Emily Goldberg Rekha Shetty Ada Famulari Feliciano Garcia Liz Fulton Vivian Fel Yael Federbush Doug Gould Robert Powell Cecelia Fang Erica Grody Levens Adam Miller Rebecca Halperin Tracy Elrod Lindsay Grubb Durrell Dawson Joey Cole Nicolina O'Rorke Jackie Olensky Ric Romo Jennifer Long Guy Ludwig Susan Bowser Christine Cataldi Jamie Zozzaro Krista Brunson Debbie Kosofsky Steve Thode Matt Carluccio Noah Kotch Marc Victor Tammy Filler Jaclyn Levin Dionne Thomas Javier Morgado Melissa Lonner Dan Fleschner Mary Alice O'Rourke Amanda Mortimer Gary Jablonski Cecilia Fang Ami Schmitz Karly Grifasi Andre Poulin Richard Adams Amy Rosenblum Noah Oppenheim Susan LaSalla Audrey Kolina Terry Schaefer Alexandra Pournaras Tammy Fine Mary Elizabeth Lawrence Laura Treciokas Jennifer Hilton Mark Hudspeth Rachel Burstein Dana Glaser Jacqueline Agnolet Mike Austin Rupert Barker Claire Cashin Robert Ciridon Katherine Cook Erin Feeney Tony Freinberg James Gaines Christine Giardina Ali Jones Sarah Rosefeldt Lexi Rudolph Rebekah Schoenfeld Amanda Sidman Lindsay Sobel Dyner Amanda Starnes Jim Thompson Joshua Paul Underwood-Davis Scott Foster Elizabeth Leist Meaghan Rady Dee Dee Thomas Brittany Schreiber Ariella Prince Al Morgan Lynn Berry
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