A character drama based on the 2001 Elmore Leonard short story "Fire in the Hole." Leonard's tale centers around U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens of Kentucky, a quiet but strong-willed official of the law. The tale covers his high-stakes job, as well as his strained relationships with his ex-wife and father.
Director: Tony Goldwyn Dean Parisot Lesli Linka Glatter Jon Avnet John Dahl Peter Werner Michael Katleman Rod Holcomb Michael W. Watkins Bill Johnson Adam Arkin Don Kurt Michael Dinner John David Coles Billy Gierhart Gwyneth Horder-Payton Frederick King Keller
Producer: Timothy Olyphant Camille H. Patton Don Kurt Michael Dinner Taylor Elmore Chris Provenzano Benjamin Cavell Steven Heth
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