Living With Fran is an American sitcom that debuted on The WB in April 2005 that starred Fran Drescher. The show last aired on March 24, 2006.
Director: Barnet Kellman Bob Koherr Steve Zuckerman Gerry Cohen Ken Whittingham Leonard R. Garner, Jr. Gail Mancuso Wil Shriner Katy Garretson Jeff Melman Lee Shallat Chemel Mary Lou Belli
Producer: Jamie Kennedy Fran Drescher David C. Garrett, Jr.
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Fran Drescher
Fran Reeves
Misti Traya
Allison Reeves
Ben Feldman
Josh Reeves
Ryan McPartlin
Riley Douglas Martin
Kathleen Rose Perkins
Jamie Kennedy
Barnet Kellman
Bob Koherr
Steve Zuckerman
Gerry Cohen
Ken Whittingham
David C. Garrett, Jr.
Leonard R. Garner, Jr.
Gail Mancuso
Wil Shriner
Katy Garretson
Jeff Melman
Lee Shallat Chemel
Mary Lou Belli
Josh H. Etting
Cindy Caponera
Tom Burkhard
Tim Kelleher
Living With Fran