VR Troopers

Season 1 | Episode 43 - Who's King of the Mountain?

Feb 8, 1995
J.B. agrees to help his South American ""E-Mail"" pal, JOSE, with some research on volcano data. Mount Kronos, an extinct volcano near-by, has been vibrating strangely and J.B. is convinced that his computer will give him the answer to why this is happening. Meanwhile, GRIMLORD is building an attack base to breach the reality barrier through the volcano. By eavesdropping on J.B., Grimlord learns that the TROOPERS may uncover his plan. JEB smells a rat and Ryan realizes ""Jose"" is an impostor. ""Jose"" turns into a Skug, multiplies himself and a Skug fight ensues. J.B. transforms, goes onto the mountain and is nearly trapped by GENERAL IVAR and ROLL-BOT. Ryan pulls J.B. back to reality just in time. The Troopers defeat their enemies and destroy Grimlord's attack base. Back at the Dojo, ""Jose,"" short for the beautiful Josephina, arrives. She wonders if J.B. would show her around Cross World City? J.B. is convinced this experience is better in reality than via computer ""E-Mail.""