VR Troopers

Season 1 | Episode 16 - A Dirty Trick

Oct 4, 1994
A celebration is held on the tenth Anniversary of Tao Dojo and GRIMLORD sends his EVIL MAGICIAN to abduct the real magician and catch the TROOPERS with their guard down. Using KAITLIN and JB to assist him in a trick, he steals their virtualizers. In the pursuit that follows, JB and Kaitlin battle SKUGS while Ryan transforms and fights the Magician, now in his robot form. Tricked into a fall from a high rooftop, Ryan is damaged and taken to the lab for repair. A plan is set: Kaitlin and JB will use the flying car to locate the Magician and Ryan will transform and fight the Magician for the virtualizers. The Magician is located and a battle ensues between him and Ryan. Kaitlin and JB are caught in a dogfight in the air above. Our heroes are ultimately victorious and the virtualizers- are returned.