VR Troopers

Season 1 | Episode 11 - The Virtual V-6

Sep 26, 1994
KAITLIN is paid a visit by an eccentric young inventor who has plans for a pollution-free motorcycle engine. After showing the guys the plans, they decided to build a motorcycle version in V.R. and put it in J.B.'s Skycycle. Meanwhile, GRIMLORD, concerned that the engine will destroy his (ZIKTOR'S) oil business, sends SKUGS to the Dojo to look for the disk with the engine's design on it. They trash the place after a fight with TAO and take all the disks they can find. The kids come back to find the place a mess. They then hear that a busload of kids has been hijacked. The teens contact the PROFESSOR, who alerts J.B. Ryan and Kaitlin transform. Kaitlin fights Skugs as Ryan battles Grimlord's LEVIATRONS which have broken through the reality barrier. They all win their fights, including J.B. against DRILLBOT. In the end, the invention is turned over to WOODY'S friend who owns a motorcycle company. Everyone is happy.